An Ordinance pursuant to Section 6.12 of the Lexington Fayette Urban County Government Charter, creating the Dept. of Housing Advocacy and Community Development; transferring the Divs. of Code Enforcement, Grants and Special Programs, Historic Preservation, and Community and Resident Services, the incumbents and all vacant positions to the Dept. of Housing Advocacy and Community Development; amending the Classified Civil Service authorized strength creating one (1) position of Administrative Officer Sr., Grade 526E, in the Dept. of Housing Advocacy and Community Development; amending the Unclassified Civil Service authorized strength creating one (1) position of Commissioner of Housing Advocacy and Community Development, Grade 536E, in the Dept. of Housing Advocacy and Community Development; abolishing one (1) position of Administrative Officer, Grade 523E and one (1) position of Continuum of Care Coordinator, Grade 516N, in the Office of the Chief Administrative Officer; and creating one (1) position of Administrative Officer, Grade 523E and one (1) position of Continuum of Care Coordinator, Grade 516N, in the Div. of Grants and Special Programs; transferring the incumbents at their current job classification, pay grade and salary; effective July 1, 2021. [Div. of Human Resources, Maxwell]
Authorization to create a new Dept. within the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government (LFUCG) to be designated as the Department of Housing Advocacy and Community Development, effective July 1, 2021. The Dept. will contain the following four div.s: Division of Code Enforcement, Division of Grants and Special Programs, Division of Historic Preservation and Division of Community and Resident Services and includes transferring all related positions and incumbents. Additionally, the unclassified positions of Administrative Officer and Continuum of Care Coordinator and the incumbents will transfer from the Office of the CAO to the Division of Grants and Special Programs. The fiscal impact for this action will have a future impact of a cost of $275,623.04 and all funding has been included in the FY 2022 approved Budget. (0618-21) (Maxwell/Hamilton)
Budgetary Implications: Yes
Advance Document Review:
Law: No
Risk Management: No
Fully Budgeted: Yes
Account Number:
This Fiscal Year Impact: $
Annual Impact: $
Budget Reference:
Current Balance:
Section 1 - That the Department of Housing Advocacy and Community Development be and hereby is created.
Section 2- That the Division of Code Enforcement and the incumbents in all authorized positions and all vacant positions be and hereby are transferred from the Department of Public Safety to the Department of Housing Advocacy and Community Development at their current job classification, pay grade and salary.
Section 3 - That the Division of Grants and Special Programs and the incumbents in all authorized positions and all vacant positions be and hereby are transferred from the Office of the Chief Administrative Officer to the Department of Housing Advocacy and Community Development at their current job classification, pay grade and salary.
Section 4 - That the Division of Historic Preservation and the incumbents in all authorized positions and all vacant positions be and hereby is transferred from the Office of the Chief Administrative Officer to the Department of Housing Advocacy and Community Development at their current job classification, pay grade and salary.
Section 5 - That the Division of Community and Resident Services and the incumbents in all authorized positions and all vacant positions be and hereby are transferred from the Department of Social Services to the Department of Housing Advocacy and Community Development at their current job classification, pay grade and salary
Section 6 - That the following subsection line number in the Classified Civil Service Authorized Strength be and hereby is created as follows:
810.030 1 113 526E Administrative Officer Sr.
Section 7 - That the subsection line numbers 050.020 and 050.023 of the Unclassified Civil Service Authorized Strength be and hereby are deleted.
Section 8 - That the following subsection line numbers in the Unclassified Civil Service authorized strength be and hereby are created to read as follows:
810.010 1 499 536E Commissioner of Housing Advocacy
and Community Development
840.010 1 112 523E Administrative Officer
840.020 1 466 516N Continuum of Care Coordinator
Section 9 - That the following employees be and hereby are transferred as follows:
A. That Polly Ruddick be and hereby is transferred from the Office of the CAO to the Division of Grants and Special Programs at her current job classification, pay grade and salary.
B. That Jeffrey Herron be and hereby is transferred from the Office of the CAO to the Division of Grants and Special Programs at his current job classification, pay grade and salary.
Section 10 - That this Ordinance shall become effective July 1, 2021.