An Ordinance amending the Classified Civil Service authorized strength reallocating: one (1) position of Deputy Director of Traffic Engineering and the incumbent from Grade 529E to Grade 531E; one (1) position of Traffic Signal Systems Manager and the incumbent from Grade 527E to Grade 530E; one (1) position of Traffic Engineering Manager and the incumbent from Grade 527E to 530E; and four (4) positions of Traffic Engineer Senior and the incumbents from Grade 525E to Grade 528E; all in the Div. of Traffic Engineering; two (2) positions of Engineering Section Manager and the incumbents from Grade 527E to 530E; and nine (9) positions of Municipal Engineer senior and the incumbents from Grade 525E to Grade 528E; all in the Div. of Engineering; one (1) position of Engineering Section Manager and the incumbent from Grade 527E to Grade 530E; and five (5) positions of Municipal Engineer Senior and the incumbents from Grade 525E to Grade 528E; all in the Div. of Water Quality; two (2) positions of Social Worker Senior and the incumbents from Grade 516E to Grade 517E, in the Div. of Aging and Disability Services; one (1) position of Social Worker Senior and the incumbent from Grade 516E to Grade 517E and two (2) positions of Social Worker and the incumbents from Grade 513E to Grade 516E, in the Div. of Community and Resident Services; one (1) position of Social Worker Senior and the incumbent from Grade 516E to Grade 517E and two (2) positions of social worker and the incumbents from Grade 513E to Grade 516E, in the Div. of Family Services; three (3) positions of Social Worker Senior and the incumbents from Grade 516E to Grade 517E, one (1) position of Social Worker and the incumbent from Grade 513E to Grade 516E, abolishing two (2) positions of Social Worker Senior, Grade 516E and creating one (1) position of Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Grade 519E and one (1) position of Certified Social Worker, Grade 518E, in the Div. of Youth Services; reclassifying the incumbents; pursuant to Section 21-27(e) of the Code of Ordinances; amending the Unclassified Civil Service authorized strength reallocating one (1) position of Social Worker and the incumbent from Grade 513E to Grade 516E; in the Div. of Aging and Disability Services; abolishing one (1) position of Social Worker Senior, Grade 517E; and creating one (1) position of Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Grade 519E and reclassifying the incumbent; in the Div. of Youth Services; effective June 21, 2021. [Div. of Human Resources, Maxwell]
Authorization to reallocate and reclassify positions and the incumbents within the following Social Work and Engineering series of the authorized strength, to become effective June 21, 2021. This action will have a future impact cost of $229,385.67 for the Engineering Series and a cost of $44,721.46 for the Social Worker Series and all funding has been included in the FY 2022 approved Budget. (L0617-21) (Maxwell/Hamilton)
Budgetary Implications: Yes
Advance Document Review:
Law: No
Risk Management: No
Fully Budgeted: Yes
Account Number:
This Fiscal Year Impact: $
Annual Impact: $
Budget Reference:
Current Balance:
Section 1 - That the following subsection line numbers in the Classified Civil Service Authorized Strength be and hereby are amended to read as follows:
360.015 1 418 531E Deputy Director Traffic Engineering
360.017 1 416 530E Traffic Signal Systems Manager
360.020 1 417 530E Traffic Engineering Manager
360.021 4 413 528E Traffic Engineer Sr.
320.030 2 435 530E Engineering Section Manager
320.032 9 432 528E Municipal Engineering Sr.
340.023 1 435 530E Engineering Section Manager
340.030 5 432 528E Municipal Engineer Sr.
615.030 2 515 517E Social Worker Sr.
620.040 1 515 517E Social Worker Sr.
620.048 2 514 516E Social Worker
640.035 1 515 517E Social Worker Sr.
640.050 2 514 516E Social Worker
650.055 3 515 517E Social Worker Sr.
650.060 1 514 516E Social Worker
Section 2 - That the following subsections in the Classified Civil Service Authorized Strength be and hereby is created to read as follows:
650.040 1 527 519E Licensed Clinical Social Worker
650.045 1 526 518E Certified Social Worker
Section 3 - That the Unclassified Civil Service Authorized Strength be and hereby is amended to read as follows:
615.030 1 514 516E Social Worker
650.025 1 527 519E Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Section 4 - That the following employees be and hereby are reclassified:
A. Anthony Meza, from Social Worker Sr., Grade 516E to Certified Social Worker, Grade 518E, $1,834.96 bi-weekly, in the Division of Youth Services;
B. Joshua Evans, from Social Worker Sr., Grade 516E to Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Grade 519E, $1,827.84 bi-weekly, in the Division of Youth Services.
Section 5 - That this Ordinance shall be on June 21, 2021.