Meeting Name: Urban County Council Work Session Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/18/2025 3:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chamber
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
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0276-25 1aTable of Motions: Council Work Session, March 11, 2025SummaryTable of Motions: Council Work Session, March 11, 2025ApprovedPass Action details Not available
0297-25 1 Budget Amendment Sch. 0020OrdinanceAn Ordinance amending certain of the Budgets of the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government to reflect current requirements for municipal expenditures, and appropriating and re-appropriating funds, FY 2025 Schedule No. 20. [Div. of Budgeting, Lueker]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0277-25 1aSummary: Budget, Finance, and Economic Development Committee, February 18, 2025SummarySummary: Budget, Finance, and Economic Development Committee, February 18, 2025Received and Filed  Action details Not available
0275-25 1bNDF List 3/18/25ResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute Agreements related to Neighborhood Development Funds with Common Good Community Development Corporation ($554); Greater Gardenside Association, LLC ($1,000); Allegro Dance Project, Inc. ($2,350); African American Forum, Inc. ($1,500); Stonewall Equestrian Estates Association, Inc. ($500); Lexcall 311 ($1,000); Black Male Working Academy, Inc. ($2,600); Golfview Estates Neighborhood Association, Inc. ($400); Community Inspired Lexington Inc. ($750); Lexington Gay Services Organization, Inc. ($2,000); Community Inspired Lexington ($4,550); Old Paris Place Community LLC ($750); Partners for Youth Foundation, Inc. ($1,900); Arts Connect, Inc. ($2,000); Black Yarn Inc. ($2,000); Lexarts Inc. ($4,500); 16th District PTA c/o Stonewall PTA ($1,000), for the Office of the Urban County Council, at a cost not to exceed the sum stated. [Council Office, Hall]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0279-25 1cCapital List 3/18/25ResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute an Agreement related to Council Capital Project Expenditure Funds with Town Branch Park, Inc. ($20,306) for the Office of the Urban County Council, at a cost not to exceed the sum stated. [Council Office, Hall]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0245-25 1aReassignment of Agreement R-430-2021ResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute the Engineering Services Agreement with UES Professional Solutions 25, LLC, to allow the entity to assume the price contract with Geotechnology, Inc. (previously authorized by Resolution No. 430-2021), at no additional cost to the Urban County Government. [Div. of Water Quality, Martin]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0253-25 1bKYTC Aphids Way Widening ProjectResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute an Agreement with the Ky. Transportation Cabinet to relocate/replace existing sanitary sewers for the Aphids Way Widening Project at no cost to the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government. [Div. of Water Quality, Martin]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0254-25 1cExtensions to Crown Castle Cell Tower AgreementsResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to amend four (4) existing lease Agreements with Crown Castle by adding one (1) renewal term of five (5) years to cell tower leases, located in various park locations. [Dept. of General Services, Ford]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0255-25 1dChange Order #5 to Contract 128-2021 TB WWTPResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute Change Order No. 5 to the Contract with W. Principles, LLC d/b/a the Walker Co. of Ky., for Town Branch RAS/WAS Pump Station improvements, for the Div. of Water Quality, increasing the Contract by the sum of $19,700.00, from $3,109,669.98 to $3,129,369.98. [Div. of Water Quality, Martin]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0256-25 1eCLEAR RenewalResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Multi-Year Agreement with Thomson Reuters (West Publishing Corporation), for a subscription to the Clear Government Background Investigation Database and Services, for the Div. of Revenue, at a cost not to exceed $1,996.86 in FY 2025. [Div. of Revenue, Holbrook]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0257-25 2fCastlewood Community Center Art ProjectResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute an Agreement with I Was Here, Inc., to fund a public art project, with funds from the Percent for Art Fund, through the Public Art Commission’s Collaborative Grant Program, in an amount not to exceed $51,323. [Office of the Mayor, Lyons]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0261-25 2gRequest Council authorization to submit an application and accept if offered to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security under the 2025 Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) Program - Fire Prevention and Safety (FP&S) requesting federal funding in the amResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute and submit a Grant Application to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, to provide any additional information requested in connection with this Grant Application, and to accept this Grant if awarded, which Grant funds are in the amount of $25,000 in Federal funds under the 2025 Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program, to purchase smoke alarms, the acceptance of which obligates the Urban County Government to the expenditure of $1,250 as a local match, and authorizing the Mayor to transfer unencumbered funds within the Grant Budget. [Div. of Fire and Emergency Management, Wells]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0262-25 1hBlue Sky Small Area PlanResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute an Agreement (RFP No. 2-2025) with Tunnell-Spangler & Associates, Inc., d/b/a TSW, for the Blue Sky Activity Center Small Area Plan, at a cost not to exceed $486,000. [Div. of Planning, Duncan]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0263-25 1iCentral Kentucky Business Park AuthorityResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute the Grant Agreement with Central Ky. Business Park Authority to assist with the organization's start-up expenses, at a cost not to exceed $60,000. [Office of the Mayor, Atkins]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0264-25 1jChange Order #1 - Terracon - LF00211709ResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor or her designee, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute Change Order No. 1 to the Agreement with Terracon, for Special Inspections associated with the New Senior and Therapeutic Center construction, increasing the Contract price by the sum of $15,320, from $34,985 to $50,305. [Dept. of General Services, Ford]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0265-25 1kLexair KBI IncentiveResolutionA Resolution approving the Granting of an inducement to Lexair, Inc., or its successor or affiliate, pursuant to the Ky. Business Investment Act (KRS Subchapter 154.32), whereby the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government agrees to rebate annually one percent (1%) of the Company’s occupational license fees for a term of no longer than ten (10) years from the activation date, subject to the limitations contained in the Act and any Agreement with the Ky. Economic Development Finance Authority or the Urban County Government related to the project, and taking other related action. [Office of the Mayor, Atkins]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0266-25 2lPolice Technology and Management (IPTM) and the Lexington Police Department to host a 40-hour training course entitled “Occupant Kinematics for the Traffic Crash Reconstructionist” for a maximum of thirty (30) students. Cost not to exceed $16,500.ResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute an Agreement with Institute of Police Technology and Management, to host an Occupant Kinematics for the Traffic Crash Reconstructionist training course at a cost not to exceed $16,500. [Div. of Police, Weathers]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0267-25 2mRequest Council authorization to submit a grant application for $8,065 in state funding, and to accept an award if offered, to the Commonwealth of Kentucky Waste Tire Program, the acceptance of which obligates the government to provide match in the amountResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute and submit a Grant Application to the Commonwealth of Ky. Waste Tire Program, to provide any additional information requested in connection with this Grant Application, and to accept this Grant if awarded, which Grant funds are in the amount of $8,065.00 in State funds, the acceptance of which obligates the Urban County Government to the expenditure of $2,016.25 as a local match, and authorizing the Mayor to transfer unencumbered funds within the Grant Budget. [Div. of Family Services, Horton-Holt]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0268-25 1nFBI Joint Terrorism Task Force MOU with Youth ServicesResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with Federal Bureau of Investigation, Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF), for formalizing the relationship between the FBI and the Juvenile Probation and Court Services in the Div. of Youth Services, in order to maximize cooperation and create a cohesive unit and to delineate the responsibilities and commitment of the FBIJTTF and Juvenile Probation and Court Services. [Div. of Youth Services, Persley]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0269-25 1oCNF bluesheetResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute the Settlement Agreement with Child Neurology Education and Research Foundation Corporation, related to the Organization’s Incentive Agreement under the Jobs Fund Program, at no additional cost to the Urban County Government. [Mayor's Office, Glasscock]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available