Meeting Name: Urban County Council Work Session Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 8/14/2012 3:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chamber
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
0771-12 1 Work Session Table of Motions July 10 2012SummaryWork Session Table of Motions July 10 2012ApprovedPass Action details Not available
0858-12 1 Multi-Way Stop - Wyndham Hills & Boston RoadResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Div. of Traffic Engineering, pursuant to Code of Ordinances Section 18-86, to install multiway stop controls at the intersection of Boston Rd. and Wyndam Hills Dr. [Council Office, Maynard]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0836-12 1aNDF List - 8-14-2012ResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute an Agreement with Copperfield Neighborhood Association ($1,500) and East End Reunion Committee ($500), for the Office of the Urban County Council, at a cost not to exceed the sums stated. [Council Office, Maynard]AmendedPass Action details Not available
0836-12 1 NDF List - 8-14-2012ResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute an Agreement with Copperfield Neighborhood Association ($1,500) and East End Reunion Committee ($500), for the Office of the Urban County Council, at a cost not to exceed the sums stated. [Council Office, Maynard]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0833-12 1bItinerant Merchant Task Force Report OutReportItinerant Merchant Task Force Report OutConsidered  Action details Not available
0786-12 2cPublic Safety Committee Summary July 10 2012SummaryPublic Safety Committee Summary July 10 2012   Action details Not available
0834-12 1dFY 2013 Ad Valorem Tax Rates PresentationReportFY 2013 Ad Valorem Tax Rates PresentationConsidered  Action details Not available
0860-12 1 Ad valorem tax FY13 - General Services DistrictOrdinanceAn Ordinance levying ad valorem taxes for municipal purposes for the Fiscal Year July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013, on the assessed value of all taxable property within the taxing jurisdictions of the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government (all taxes on each $100.00 of assessed valuation as of the January 1, 2012 assessment date), as follows: General Services District, $.0800 on Real Property, including Real Property of Public Service Companies, $.0990 on Personal Property, including Personal Property of Public Service Companies, noncommercial aircraft, and noncommercial watercraft, $.1500 on insurance capital, $.0150 on tobacco in storage, and $.0450 on agricultural products in storage; Full Urban or Partial Urban Services Districts based on urban services available on Real Property, including Real Property of Public Service Companies, $.1431 for refuse collection, $.0210 for street lights, $.0094 for street cleaning, $.0920 on insurance capital, $.0150 on tobacco in storage, $.0450 on agricultural products in storage; and levying an ad valorem tax for municipal purposes at the Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0861-12 1 Ad valorem tax FY13 - Agricultural ExtensionOrdinanceAn Ordinance levying ad valorem taxes for purposes of support of the Agricultural Extension Office for the Fiscal Year July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013, on the assessed value of all taxable Real and Personal Property within the taxing jurisdiction of the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government (all taxes on each $100.00 of assessed valuation as of the January 1, 2012 assessment date), as follows: $.0033 on all taxable Real Property, including Real Property of Public Service Companies, $.0035 on taxable Personal Property, including Personal Property of Public Service Companies, noncommercial aircraft, and noncommercial watercraft, and excluding inventory in transit, insurance capital, tobacco in storage, and agricultural products in storage; and levying an ad valorem tax for purposes of support of the Agricultural Extension Office at the rate of $.0035 on each $100.00 of assessed value on all motor vehicles and watercraft within the taxing jurisdiction of the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government as of the January 1, 2013 assessment date. [Dept. of Finance, Driskell] PUBLIC AmendedPass Action details Not available
0861-12 1 Ad valorem tax FY13 - Agricultural ExtensionOrdinanceAn Ordinance levying ad valorem taxes for purposes of support of the Agricultural Extension Office for the Fiscal Year July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013, on the assessed value of all taxable Real and Personal Property within the taxing jurisdiction of the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government (all taxes on each $100.00 of assessed valuation as of the January 1, 2012 assessment date), as follows: $.0033 on all taxable Real Property, including Real Property of Public Service Companies, $.0035 on taxable Personal Property, including Personal Property of Public Service Companies, noncommercial aircraft, and noncommercial watercraft, and excluding inventory in transit, insurance capital, tobacco in storage, and agricultural products in storage; and levying an ad valorem tax for purposes of support of the Agricultural Extension Office at the rate of $.0035 on each $100.00 of assessed value on all motor vehicles and watercraft within the taxing jurisdiction of the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government as of the January 1, 2013 assessment date. [Dept. of Finance, Driskell] PUBLIC Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0863-12 1 Ad valorem tax FY13 - Health Dept.OrdinanceAn Ordinance adopting the request of the Lexington-Fayette County Health Dept. under KRS 212.755 and levying a special ad valorem public health tax for the Fiscal Year July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013, on the assessed value of all taxable Real and Personal Property within the taxing jurisdiction of the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government, including Real and Personal Property of Public Service Companies, noncommercial aircraft, noncommercial watercraft, and inventory in transit, and excluding insurance capital, tobacco in storage, and agricultural products in storage, at the rate of $.028 on each $100.00 of assessed value as of the January 1, 2012 assessment date; and levying a special ad valorem public health tax at the rate of $.028 on each $100.00 of assessed value on all motor vehicles and watercraft within the taxing jurisdiction of the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government, as of the January 1, 2013 assessment date. [Dept. of Finance, Driskell]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0862-12 1 Ad valorem tax FY13 - Soil & Water ConservationOrdinanceAn Ordinance levying ad valorem taxes for purposes of support of the Soil and Water Conservation District for the Fiscal Year July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013, on the assessed value of all taxable Real Property within the taxing jurisdiction of the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government, including Real Property of Public Service Companies, at a rate of $.000433 on each one hundred dollars ($100.00) of assessed valuation as of the January 1, 2012, assessment date, with the tax bills computed and collected at a rate of $.0004 on each one hundred dollars ($100.00) of assessed valuation. [Dept. of Finance, Driskell] PUBLIC HEARINGApproved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0832-12 1eCAP PresentationReportCapacity Assurance Program (CAP) PresentationConsidered  Action details Not available
0838-12 1 Mayor's Report 8-14-2012Communication (Appointments)1. Recommending the reappointment of Ms. Shelley R. Bendall, as at-large representative, to the Animal Care and Control Oversight Committee, with a term to expire 1-1-2016. 2. Recommending the appointments of Ms. Lea A. Miller and Ms. Stella W. Smith, as employment/education advocacy representatives, to the Commission for Citizens with Disabilities, with terms to expire 1-1-2015 and 1-1-2013, respectively. Ms. Miller will fill the unexpired term of Mr. Bruce Burris, and Ms. Smith will fill the unexpired term of Mr. Tom Wilson. 3. Recommending the reappointment of Ms. Zedtta Wellman, as Bluegrass Hospitality Association representative, to the Convention and Visitors Bureau Board of Directors, with a term to expire 9-1-2015. 4. Recommending the reappointment of Mr. Richard L. Greene to the Dunbar Neighborhood Center Board, with a term to expire 3-20-2016. 5. Recommending the appointment of Ms. Sabry Hanna, as 3rd District representative, to the Environmental Commission, with a term to expire 10-1-2016. The term of Ms. Amy Peabody has expired. 6. Recommending the reappointments oApproved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0565-12 1aLease Agreement - Human Rights CommissionResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Lease Agreement with Lexington Fayette Urban County Human Rights Commission, for lease of space at 162 East Main St. [Dept. of General Services, Hamilton]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0696-12 1bHershey Track MeetResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Facility Usage Agreement with Fayette County Board of Education, for use of Dunbar Track for the Hershey’s Track Meet, at a cost not to exceed $84.50. [Div. of Parks and Recreation, Hancock]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0739-12 3c13-0005OrdinanceAn Ordinance amending Section 21-5(2) of the Code of Ordinances, abolishing one (1) position of Engineering Technician, Grade 111N, and one (1) position of Staff Assistant Sr., Grade 108N and creating one (1) position of Municipal Engineer Sr., Grade 119E, in the Div. of Engineering, appropriating funds pursuant to Schedule No. 8, effective upon passage of Council. [Div. of Human Resources, Maxwell]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0740-12 2dLease Agreement - Lexington Downtown Development AuthorityResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Lease Agreement with Lexington Downtown Development Authority, for lease of space at 101 East Vine St. [Dept. of General Services, Hamilton]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0750-12 1eClays Mill Road--CDP Engineers, Inc.--Modificaiton No 3ResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute Contract Modification No. Three (3) to the Contract with CDP Engineers, Inc., for the Clays Mill Road Improvement Project, increasing the contract price by the sum of $73,012 from $1,067,727 to $1,140,739. [Div. of Grants and Special Programs/Dept. of Planning, Preservation and Development, Gooding/Paulsen]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0758-12 1f13-0006OrdinanceAn Ordinance amending Section 22-53.2(2) of the Code of Ordinances, adjusting the entrance rate and pay scale for Traffic School Guards, effective upon passage of Council. [Div. of Human Resources, Maxwell]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0759-12 1gStatement of Compliance - 2012ResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Statement of Compliance with the Commonwealth of Ky., Transportation Cabinet, for bridge posting requirements. [Div. of Engineering, Rayan]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0766-12 1hKentucky Recycling Grant--Acceptance of Award-FY 2013ResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to accept a Grant from the Ky. Energy and Environment Cabinet, which Grant funds are in the amount of $112,000 Commonwealth of Ky. funds under the Ky. Recycling Grant Program, are for the purchase of a comingled sorting line, the acceptance of which obligates the Urban County Government for the expenditure of $28,000 as a local match, and authorizing the Mayor to transfer unencumbered funds within the Grant budget. [Div. of Grants and Special Programs, Gooding]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0773-12 1iChange Order with Mitchell ConstructionResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute Change Order No. One (1) to the Contract with Mitchell Construction Management for the improvement project at Fire Station No. 6, increasing the contract price by the sum of $2,100 from $54,000 to $56,100. [Div. of Fire and Emergency Services, Jackson]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0775-12 1jWaste Tire Recycling Grant Application--FY 2013ResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute and submit a Grant Application to the Ky. Div. of Waste Management, to provide any additional information requested in connection with this Grant Application, and to accept this Grant if the application is approved, which Grant funds are in the amount of $3,000 Commonwealth of Ky. funds, and are for disposal or recycling of waste tires, the acceptance of which does not obligate the Urban County Government for the expenditure of funds, and authorizing the Mayor to transfer unencumbered funds within the Grant budget. [Div. of Grants and Special Programs/Div. of Waste Management, Gooding/Feese]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0776-12 1kTates Creek Road Sidewalk Improvements Project Amendment to AgreementResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute an Amendment to Agreement with the Ky. Transportation Cabinet, for the acceptance of additional Federal funds for the Tates Creek Road Sidewalk Improvements Project in the amount of $250,000, the acceptance of which obligates the Urban County Government for the expenditure of $62,500 as a local match, and extending the project through June 30, 2013. [Div. of Grants and Special Programs/Dept. of Planning, Preservation, and Development, Gooding/Paulsen]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0777-12 1lTates Creek Middle school -Teen InitiativeResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Facility Usage Contract with Fayette County Board of Education, for use of Tates Creek Middle School Gym for the Teen Initiative Program, at a cost not to exceed $633.75. [Div. of Parks and Recreation, Hancock]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0779-12 1m13-0007OrdinanceAn Ordinance amending Section 21-5(2) of the Code of Ordinances, abolishing one (1) position of Administrative Specialist Sr., Grade 112N and one (1) position of Staff Assistant Sr., Grade 108N and creating two (2) positions of Administrative Specialist, Grade 110N, in the Div. of Building Inspection, appropriating funds pursuant to Schedule No. 10, effective upon passage of Council. [Div. of Human Resources, Maxwell]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0780-12 1nTeen Initiative July -AugustResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Facility Usage Agreement with Fayette County Board of Education, for rental of Tates Creek Middle School Gym for Teen Initiative Activities, at a cost not to exceed $1,087.50. [Div. of Parks and Recreation, Hancock]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0781-12 1oLagco, Inc. Charge Order #1 Black and Williams Community CenterResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute Change Order No. 1 to the Contract with Lagco, Inc., for energy efficiency improvements to Black and Williams Community Center, for the Div. of Environmental Policy, increasing the contract price by the sum of $3,000 from $426,040 to $429,040. [Div. of Grants and Special Programs, Gooding]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0782-12 1pMasterson Station right of way -Columbia GasResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Right of Way with Columbia Gas of Ky., Inc., for a pipeline and service connections over and through Masterson Station Park relating to widening of Leestown Rd. [Div. of Parks and Recreation, Hancock]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0783-12 1qESP-REAL 2013ResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Facility Usage Contract with Fayette County Board of Education, for the ESP and REAL programs. [Div. of Parks and Recreation, Hancock]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0785-12 1rIRST Cost Recovery ProgramResolutionA Resolution accepting the Response of Immediate Response Spill Technologies, for a Hazardous Materials Cost Recovery and Supply Program, for the Div. of Fire and Emergency Services, and authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute an Agreement with Immediate Response Spill Technologies, related to the RFP and Response, at no cost to the Urban County Government. [Div. of Fire and Emergency Services, Jackson]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0787-12 1sMidway, KY - Providence Montesori SchoolResolutionA Resolution of the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government approving the execution and delivery by the City of Midway, Ky., of its City of Midway, Ky., Educational Facilities Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2012 (Providence Montessori School, Inc. Project) in an amount not to exceed $1,250,000, and the use of the proceeds thereof to (A) refund the city of Versailles, Ky., Educational Facilities Revenue Note (Providence Montessori School, Inc. Project), Series 2005, the proceeds of which were used to finance and refinance the costs of the acquisition, construction and equipping of educational facilities (including classrooms, an art room, an assembly room and other facilities and improvements) on the school’s campus located at 1209 Texaco Road in Lexington, Ky.; and (B) pay costs of issuance of the Bonds. [Mayor’s Office, Atkins] PUBLIC HEARINGApproved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0788-12 1tFayette County Commonwealth Attorney--Agreement for Street Sales 2013ResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute an Agreement with the Fayette County Commonwealth Attorney’s Office, for a “Fast Track” Prosecutor for the Street Sales Drug Enforcement Project, at a cost not to exceed $57,914. [Div. of Grants and Special Programs/Dept. of Public Safety, Gooding/Mason]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0789-12 1uBrighton East Trail--Supplemental Agreement No. 2ResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 2 with the Ky. Transportation Cabinet, for the acceptance of additional Federal funds for the Brighton East Trail Project in the amount of $256,000, the acceptance of which obligates the Urban County Government for the expenditure of $64,000 as a local match. [Div. of Grants and Special Programs/Dept. of Planning, Preservation, and Development, Gooding/Paulsen]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0790-12 1vLease Agreement - Downtown Lexington CorporationResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Lease Agreement with Downtown Lexington Corporation, for lease of space at 101 East Vine St. [Dept. of General Services, Hamilton]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0791-12 1w13-0008OrdinanceAn Ordinance amending Section 21-5(2) of the Code of Ordinances, transferring one (1) position of Engineering Technician, Grade 111N, and its incumbent from the Div. of Computer Services to the Div. of Engineering, appropriating funds pursuant to Schedule No. 9, effective upon passage of Council. [Div. of Human Resources, Maxwell]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0792-12 2 Valley Park Building-HigginbothamResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Urban County Government to rename the Valley Park Neighborhood Building to the Jesse Higginbotham Neighborhood Center, pursuant to the Div. of Parks and Recreation Naming Policy. [Div. of Parks and Recreation, Hancock]AmendedPass Action details Not available
0792-12 2xValley Park Building-HigginbothamResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Urban County Government to rename the Valley Park Neighborhood Building to the Jesse Higginbotham Neighborhood Center, pursuant to the Div. of Parks and Recreation Naming Policy. [Div. of Parks and Recreation, Hancock]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0793-12 1y13-0009OrdinanceAn Ordinance amending Sections 3, 4, and 5 of Ordinance No. 91-2012; removing pay increases for part-time employees, effective retroactive to July 1, 2012. [Div. of Human Resources, Maxwell]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0794-12 1zLease Agreement - Lexington & Fayette County Parking AuthorityResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Lease Agreement with Lexington and Fayette County Parking Authority, for lease of space at 101 East Vine St. [Dept. of General Services, Hamilton]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0795-12 1aaKAWC Data and Shut-Off AgreementResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute an Agreement with Ky.-American Water Co. for water data and shut-offs, at a cost not to exceed an estimated $34,500 in FY2013. [Div. of Revenue, O’Mara]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0796-12 2bbVeBridge Contract ExtensionResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Div. of Revenue, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to purchase document imaging provider and related services from VeBridge, a sole source provider, at a cost not to exceed $55,000, and authorizing the Mayor to sign any necessary agreement related to the services. [Div. of Revenue, O’Mara]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0797-12 1ccLease Agreement - Metro Employees Credit Union - Versailles Road CampusAgenda ItemAuthorization to execute a Lease Agreement with Metro Employees Credit Union for space within the front building at the Versailles Road Campus. (L797-12) (Hamilton) This is a request to execute a Lease Agreement with Metro Employees Credit Union for space within the front building at the Versailles Road Campus. The initial term is for seven and one-half (7 ½) months, effective November 16, 2012 and ending June 30, 2013 with an option of automatic extension for four (4) additional one (1) year terms.ReferPass Action details Not available
0798-12 1ddSheriff's Settlement - 2011 Property TaxesResolutionA Resolution approving the Fayette County Sheriff’s Settlement - 2011 Taxes, for taxes collected as of April 15, 2012, and granting the Sheriff a Quietus. [Div. of Revenue, O’Mara]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0799-12 1eeLease Agreement - Metro Employees Credit Union - Phoenix BuildingAgenda ItemAuthorization to execute a Lease Agreement with Metro Employees Credit Union for space within the Phoenix Building. (L799-12) (Hamilton) This is a request to execute a Lease Agreement with Metro Employees Credit Union for space within the Phoenix Building. The agreement is for seven and one-half (7 ½) months, effective November 16, 2012 and ending June 30, 2013 with an option of automatic extension for four (4) additional one (1) year terms.ReferPass Action details Not available
0802-12 1ff13-0010OrdinanceAn Ordinance amending Section 21-5(2) of the Code of Ordinances, creating one (1) position of Skilled Trades Worker, Grade 111N, in the Div. of Community Corrections and amending Section 22-5(2) of the Code of Ordinances, abolishing two (2) positions of Skilled Trades Worker P/T, Grade 000N, appropriating funds pursuant to Schedule No. 11, effective upon passage of Council. [Div. of Human Resources, Maxwell]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0803-12 1ggCharles Young Center-Disponette Change Order #1ResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute Change Order No. One (1), to the Contract with Disponette Service Co., Inc., for Charles Young Center repairs increasing the contract price by the sum of $2,800 from $182,600 to $185,400. [Div. of Grants and Special Programs/Dept. of General Services, Gooding/Hamilton]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0806-12 1hhFacilities Use Agreement -- St. Luke United Methodist ChurchResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Facilities Use Agreement with St. Luke United Methodist Church, for space for the Meeting the Challenges and Opportunities of Aging Conference, at no cost to the Urban County Government. [Dept. of Social Services, Mills]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0807-12 1iiSAFER Grant--Accept Award of Federal FundsResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to accept a Grant from the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, which Grant funds are in the amount of $2,621,304 Federal funds under the Staffing For Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) Grant Program, are for hiring twenty-eight firefighters, the acceptance of which does not obligate the Urban County Government for the expenditure of funds, and authorizing the Mayor to transfer unencumbered funds within the Grant budget. [Div. of Grants and Special Programs/Dept. of Public Safety, Gooding/Mason]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0808-12 1jjEasement Acquisition Andover Trunk SewerResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute Certificates of Consideration and other necessary documents, and to accept Deeds for property interests needed for the Andover Trunk Sewer Project, at a cost not to exceed $57,261.06. [Div. of Water Quality, Martin]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0809-12 1kkDrainage Easement - Roland AvenueResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Certificate of Consideration and accept a Deed conveying a permanent easement across the property located at 721 Roland Ave., for the Stream Stabilization Project, at no cost to the Urban County Government. [Div. of Water Quality, Martin]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0810-12 1llUK Cost Share - Rose Lane Sanitary Sewer Line ReplacementResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute an Agreement with the University of Ky. for cost-sharing for relocation of sanitary sewer lines in the 400 block of Rose Ln. for the Div. of Water Quality, at a cost not to exceed $103,000. [Div. of Water Quality, Martin]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0811-12 1mmCorrection to Ordinance No. 44-2012OrdinanceAn Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 44-2012 to make the following corrections: deleting “and duplexes” from Section 2, Subsection 2; deleting “but no accessory structure shall be taller at the roof ridge than the height of roof ridge of the primary structure” from Section 2, Subsection 5(a); and deleting “n attached” from Section 2, Subsection 7 (Urban County Planning Commission). [Div. of Planning, King]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0812-12 1nnGCWW Billing & Collection Services AgreementsResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a First Amendment to Agreement with the City of Cincinnati on behalf of the Greater Cincinnati Water Works, and authorizing and directing the Mayor or his designee to execute any necessary documents with Paymentech, LLC; Link2Gov, Corp.; and J. P. Morgan Chase Bank, N.A., related to providing multiple options for payment of bills, at no cost to the Urban County Government. [Div. of Revenue, O’Mara]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0813-12 1ooArboretum 2012 Workshop AgreementResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Purchase of Services Agreement with UK Arboretum for stormwater education and outreach workshops for the Div. of Environmental Policy, at a cost not to exceed $50,000. [Div. of Environmental Policy, Bush]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0814-12 1ppPSA Roots & HeritageResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Purchase of Services Agreement with Roots & Heritage Festival, Inc., for the 2012 Roots & Heritage Festival, at a cost not to exceed $35,415 and additional in-kind services. [Office of the Chief Administrative Officer, Moloney]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0815-12 1qqThird Rock Contract Amendment RequestResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute Contract Amendment Number One (1) to the Contract with Third Rock Consultants, Inc., for the Wolf Run Watershed Plan, increasing the contract price by the sum of $13,500 from $177,200 to $190,700. [Div. of Environmental Policy, Bush]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0818-12 1rrMOA - FCPS Child NutritionResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute an Agreement with the Fayette County Public Schools, for the provision of meals to students at the Day Treatment and Family Care Centers, at a cost not to exceed $5,000. [Dept. of Social Services, Mills]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0819-12 1ssFederal Equitable Sharing Agreement and CertificationResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute the Federal Equitable Sharing Agreement with the Dept. of Justice, Dept. of the Treasury, for participation in the Federal Equitable Sharing Program. [Div. of Police, Bastin]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0820-12 1ttIRS Criminal Investigation AgreementResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute an Agreement with Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation, for reimbursement of expenses. [Div. of Police, Bastin]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0821-12 1uu13-0001aOrdinanceAn Ordinance amending Section 21-5(2) of the Code of Ordinances, creating one (1) position of Deputy Director Recreation, Grade 120E, in the Div. of Parks and Recreation, effective upon passage of Council. [Div. of Human Resources, Maxwell]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0822-12 1vvKentucky Utilities/ Kentucky Clean Fuels CoalitionResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to accept funds in the amount of $22,517 from Ky. Utilities, as approved by the Ky. Clean Fuels Coalition, for the purchase of an electricity-powered vehicle. [Div. of Grants and Special Programs/Dept. of General Services, Gooding/Hamilton]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0824-12 3wwHarshaw Trane Change Order No. 1 Police HeadquartersResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute Change Order No. One (1) to the Contract with Harshaw Trane, for Police Headquarters HVAC, increasing the contract price by the sum of $726.27 from $97,117.73 to $97,844.00. [Div. of Grants and Special Programs, Gooding]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0825-12 3xxPaladin, Inc.--Change Order No. 1--Energizing the ArtsResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute Change Order No. 1 to the Contract with Paladin, Inc., for additional energy assessment services for the Energizing the Arts Program, increasing the contract price by the sum of $1,987.50 from $46,182.50 to $48,170.00. [Div. of Grants and Special Programs, Gooding]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available
0826-12 1yyWide-Format Scanner/Printer/Copier - Lynn ImagingResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Lease Agreement with Lynn Imaging for a Wide-Format Scanner/Printer/Copier for the Div. of Water Quality, at a cost not to exceed $1,920. [Div. of Water Quality, Martin]Approved and Referred to DocketPass Action details Not available