Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Urban County Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/20/2025 6:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
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Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
0171-25 1 Minutes of the February 6, 2025 Council MeetingMinutesMinutes of the February 6, 2025 Council Meeting   Not available Not available
0191-25 1 KY American Water District Science FairPresentationKY American Water District Science Fair   Not available Not available
0192-25 1 The Links, IncorporatedPresentationThe Links, Incorporated   Not available Not available
0084-25 11.25-0035 Create - Council OfficeOrdinanceAn Ordinance amending the authorized strength by creating two (2) unclassified positions of Aide to Council Part-Time, Grade 518E, in the Office of the Urban County Council, effective upon passage of Council. [Div. of Human Resources, George]   Not available Not available
0086-25 12.25-0032 Abolish Unfunded PositionsOrdinanceAn Ordinance amending the authorized strength by abolishing one (1) classified position of Administrative Specialist, Grade 516N, in the Div. of Community Corrections, abolishing one (1) unclassified position of Program Instructor, Grade 506N, in the Div. of Parks and Recreation, and abolishing two (2) unclassified positions of Program Leader, Grade 508N, in the Div. of Parks and Recreation, effective upon passage of Council. [Div. of Human Resources, George]   Not available Not available
0087-25 13.25-0029a Create- Environmental ServicesOrdinanceAn Ordinance amending the authorized strength by creating one (1) classified position of Administrative Specialist Principal, Grade 520N, in the Div. of Environmental Services, effective upon passage of Council. [Div. of Human Resources, George]   Not available Not available
0154-25 14.Budget Amendment Sch. 0017OrdinanceAn Ordinance amending certain of the Budgets of the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government to reflect current requirements for municipal expenditures, and appropriating and re-appropriating funds, FY 2025 Schedule No. 17. [Div. of Budgeting, Lueker]   Not available Not available
0123-25 25.25-0001(f) - FY25 Authorized StrengthOrdinanceAn Ordinance amending the authorized strength by creating one (1) classified position of Accreditation Manager, Grade 526E, in the Div. of Fire and Emergency Services, effective July 1, 2024. [Div. of Human Resources, George]   Not available Not available
0066-25 11.Incentive Grant for Windswept Ventures, LLC.ResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute an Agreement awarding a Class B (Infrastructure) Incentive Grant to Windswept Ventures, LLC, for a Stormwater Quality Project, at a cost not to exceed $305,250. [Div. of Water Quality, Martin]   Not available Not available
0068-25 12.Incentive Grant Mediocre Creative LLC.ResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute an Agreement awarding a Class B (Infrastructure) Incentive Grant to Mediocre Creative, LLC, for a Stormwater Quality Project, at a cost not to exceed $217,681.95. [Div. of Water Quality, Martin]   Not available Not available
0070-25 13.Final Change Order Sewerability StudyResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute Change Order No. 1 with Stantec Consulting Services, Inc., for the Rural Services Area Sewer Capability Study Agreement, reducing the Contract amount by $108,971.23, from $337,702.00 to $228,730.77. [Div. of Water Quality, Martin]   Not available Not available
0074-25 24.Release of Easement at 1180 Newtown PikeResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Release of Easement, releasing a portion of a utility easement on the property located at 1180 Newtown Pike. [Div. of Water Quality, Martin]   Not available Not available
0076-25 15.Release of Easement 2724 Kearney Creek LaneResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Release of Easement, releasing a portion of a street light easement on the property located at 2724 Kearney Creek Lane. [Div. of Water Quality, Martin]   Not available Not available
0077-25 16.Fontaine Road Speed Limit ReductionResolutionA Resolution designating the speed limit on Fontaine Rd., between Richmond Rd. and Chinoe Rd., as 30 miles per hour and authorizing and directing the Div. of Traffic Engineering to install proper and appropriate signs in accordance with the designation. [Div. of Traffic Engineering, Neal]   Not available Not available
0090-25 17.Memorandum of Understanding - United States Marshals Service - Fugitive Task ForceResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with United States Marshals Service, for joint law enforcement operations. [Div. of Police, Weathers]   Not available Not available
0102-25 18.NDF List 1/28/25ResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute Agreements related to Neighborhood Development Funds with Ky.'s Junior Miss Scholarship Foundation, Inc. ($1,950); Mobile Mission Experience ($2,400); and Lex Project Prom, Inc. ($1,900), for the Office of the Urban County Council, at a cost not to exceed the sum stated. [Council Office, Hall]   Not available Not available
0103-25 19.Capital List 1/28/25ResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute an Agreement related to Council Capital Project Expenditure Funds with South Lexington Youth Baseball at Shillito Park, Inc. ($23,650), for the Office of the Urban County Council, at a cost not to exceed the sum stated. [Council Office, Hall]   Not available Not available
0142-25 110.Permanent Appointments- PersonnelResolutionA Resolution ratifying the Permanent Classified Civil Service Appointments of: Sandra Burke, Administrative Officer, Grade 523E, $3,372.00 biweekly in the Div. of Environmental Services, effective January 29, 2025, Brooke Gray, Planner Sr., Grade 523N, $35.725 hourly in the Div. of Environmental Service, effective January 29, 2025, Richard Lachance-Fish, Grade 512N, $19.232 hourly in the Div. of Facilities and Fleet Management, effective January 22, 2025. [Div. of Human Resources, George]   Not available Not available
0075-25 111.RouteWare Sole SourceResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Div. of Waste Management to purchase a software platform from RouteWare Inc., a sole source provider, and authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute any necessary Agreement with RouteWare Inc. related to the procurement at a cost not to exceed $124,432. [Div. of Waste Management, Baldon]   Not available Not available
0097-25 112.Senior Intern Luncheon--Hyatt Regency Catering Agreement 2025ResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute an Agreement with the Hyatt Regency Lexington, for catering services for the Senior Intern Alumni Luncheon, at a cost not to exceed $5,800. [Div. of Aging and Disability Services, Stambaugh]   Not available Not available
0112-25 113.Independence Place Amendment Reflecting MergerResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute an Amendment to an Agreement with Independence Place, Inc., replacing Independence Place, Inc. with Center for Accessible Living, Inc. as the party responsible for the obligations of the Agreement, at no additional cost to the Urban County Government. [Office of Homelessness Prevention and Intervention, Herron]   Not available Not available
0115-25 114.Lynn Imaging Scanner/Plotter 3 year contractResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a multi-year pay for Output Agreement with Lynn Imaging to lease scanner-plotters and related supplies for the Div. of Water Quality, at a cost not to exceed $7,320 in the first year, with increases of up to ten percent (10%) annually thereafter. [Div. of Water Quality, Martin]   Not available Not available
0118-25 115.E Vine Street Retaining Wall MOUResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute the Memorandum of Understanding with PS Tate Realty, LLC; Karma C. Bryan Realty, LLC; and LCP Holdings, LLC for a Stormwater Quality Project, for the Dept. of Environmental Quality and Public Works, at an estimated cost not to exceed $220,000. [Dept. of Environmental Quality and Public Works, Albright]   Not available Not available
0120-25 216.Request Council authorization to execute an agreement and accept an award in the amount of $82,449.95 from the Kentucky Department of Military Affairs, Division of Emergency Management for the FY 2025 Emergency Management Assistance Project. Match in theResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute an Agreement and accept an award in the amount of $82,449.95 from the Ky. Dept. of Military Affairs, Div. of Emergency Management for the FY 2025 Emergency Management Assistance Project, the acceptance of which obligates the Urban County Government to the expenditure of $125,000.00 as a local match, and authorizing the Mayor to transfer unencumbered funds within the Grant Budget. [Div. of Emergency Management, Larkin]   Not available Not available
0121-25 217.Request Council authorization to execute an agreement with the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet to accept federal funds in the amount of $576,000 for the construction of the Brighton Trail Connection Project. The acceptance obligates the Urban County GoverResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute an Agreement with Commonwealth of Ky. Transportation Cabinet to accept $576,000 in Federal funding for the Brighton Trail Connection Project to construct a twelve-foot-wide shared-use path from the existing trail in Liberty Park to the sidewalk on the east side of Liberty Rd., the Urban County Government acknowledges and agrees to ratify and adopt all Statements, Representations, Warranties, Covenants and Agreements contained in this Agreement, the acceptance of which obligates the Urban County Government to the expenditure of $144,000 as a local match and authorizing the Mayor to transfer unencumbered funds within the Grant Budget. [Div. of Engineering, Burton]   Not available Not available
0122-25 118.Mann Solar installation of solar photovoltaics FS#19ResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute the Professional Services Agreement (awarded pursuant to RFP No. 60-2024) with Mann Solar for the installation of a roof-mounted solar photovoltaic system on Fire Station # 19, at a cost not to exceed $31,217.68. [Div. of Environmental Services, Carey]   Not available Not available
0133-25 130.Capital List 2/4/25ResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute Agreements related to Council Capital Project Expenditure Funds with the Black Soil Charitable Fund, Inc. ($6,678) and LFUCG Div. of Parks and Recreation ($3,000), for the Office of the Urban County Council, at a cost not to exceed the sum stated. [Council Office, Hall]   Not available Not available
0085-25 131.Veterans Park Parking and Trail DesignResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Purchase of Service Agreement with TSW, Inc., for Parking and Trail Design at Veterans Park, at a cost not to exceed the sum of $84,500. [Div. of Parks and Recreation, Conrad]   Not available Not available
0101-25 132.Site Specific Agreement Grey Oak Lane 2ResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Site-Specific Agreement with the Jessamine South Elkhorn Water District and Grey Oak Lane 2, LLC, to provide sanitary sewer conveyance and treatment capacity to a portion of property in Jessamine County. [Div. of Water Quality, Martin]   Not available Not available
0125-25 133.iconective 2025ResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Div. of E911 to access iconectiv’s database of phone numbers and corresponding carriers, iconective LLC., is a sole source provider, and authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute any necessary Agreement with iconective LLC., related to the procurement at a cost not to exceed $6,000. [Div. of Enhanced 911, Patton]   Not available Not available
0126-25 134.Change Order Town Branch WWTP RAS/WASResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute Change Order No. 4 to the Contract with W. Principles, LLC d/b/a the Walker Co. of Ky., for Town Branch RAS/WS Pump Station Improvements, for the Div. of Water Quality, increasing the Contract by the sum of $154,401.75, from $2,955,268.23 to $3,109,669.98. [Div. of Water Quality, Martin]   Not available Not available
0134-25 135.Incentive Grant Bluegrass Greensource, Inc. Class BResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute an Agreement awarding a Class B (Education) incentive Grant to Bluegrass Greensource, Inc., for a stormwater quality project, at a cost not to exceed $39,630. [Div. of Water Quality, Martin]   Not available Not available
0135-25 136.Safariland Participating AddendumResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Participating Addendum/Cooperative Purchasing Master Agreement with Safariland LLC through NASPO Valuepoint, establishing a price contract for the purchase of Body Armor and Ballistic Resistant Products, and further authorizing the director of procurement or his designee to execute any other necessary documents related to the price contract. [Div. of Procurement, Slatin]   Not available Not available
0137-25 137.Incentive Grant Fayette County Public SchoolsResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute an Agreement awarding a Class B (Infrastructure) Incentive Grant to Fayette County Public Schools, for a Stormwater Quality Project, at a cost not to exceed $310,081.50. [Div. of Water Quality, Martin]   Not available Not available
0140-25 138.Cintas Omnia AgreementResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Workplace Solutions Cooperative Acceptance Agreement with Cintas Corporation pursuant to an Omnia Partners Agreement, establishing a price contract for the rental of facility entrance mats and rental uniforms, and authorizing the director of purchasing, for the term of the Contract, to execute any additional necessary documents related to the Agreement. [Div. of Procurement, Slatin]   Not available Not available
0145-25 139.Shared Mobility Data Management Contract for FY 25ResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Contract with Populus Technologies, Inc., for data management and per-trip fee collection services related to dockless (shared mobility) vehicles, for the Div. of Planning, at a cost not to exceed $9,500 and fifteen percent (15%) of per trip fees collected by Populus Technologies, Inc. [Div. of Planning, Duncan]   Not available Not available
0146-25 140.Incentive Grant Airport BoardResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute an Agreement awarding a Class B (Infrastructure) Incentive Grant to LFUC Airport Board, for a Stormwater Quality Project, at a cost not to exceed $152,000. [Div. of Water Quality, Martin]   Not available Not available
0147-25 141.CLEX Minority Business AgreementResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Purchase of Service Agreement (PSA) with Commerce Lexington, Inc., to assist with Community and Minority Business Development, at a cost not to exceed the sum of $140,000. [Mayor's Office, Glasscock]   Not available Not available
0148-25 142.Amendment to Goodwill AgreementResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute an Amendment to an Agreement with Goodwill Industries of Ky., Inc., extending the period of performance through December 31, 2025 and revising the scope of services, at no additional cost to the Urban County Government. [Dept. of Housing Advocacy and Community Development, Lanter]   Not available Not available
0149-25 143.Recommendation for Bid# 153-2024 Dunbar Community Center Renovation Phase IIResolutionA Resolution accepting the bid of Devere Construction Inc., in the amount of $969,113 for the Dunbar Community Center Renovation Phase II, for the Dept. of General Services, and authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute an Agreement with Devere Construction Inc., related to the bid. (5 Bids, Low) [Ford]   Not available Not available
0169-25 144.Bid Recommendation for Bid#172-2024 Town Branch Dewatering Pump Station ImprovementsResolutionA Resolution accepting the bid of W. Principles LLC d/b/a The Walker Co., in the amount of $2,509,000 for the Town Branch Dewatering Pump Station Improvements, for the Div. of Water Quality, and authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute an Agreement with w. Principles LLC d/b/a The Walker Co., related to the bid. [Div. of Water Quality, Martin]   Not available Not available
0190-25 146.Recommendation for Bid# 4-2025 Cadentown School ImprovementsResolutionA Resolution accepting the bid of Elaine Allen LLC, in the amount of $89,686.94 for the Cadentown School Improvements, for the Dept. of General Services, and authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute an Agreement with Elaine Allen LLC, related to the bid. (2 Bids, Low) [Ford]   Not available Not available
0170-25 145.Bid Recommendation for Bid#172-2024 Town Branch Dewatering Pump Station ImprovementsResolutionA Resolution accepting the bid of L-M Asphalt Partners, Ltd d/b/a ATS Construction Co., in the amount of $2,101,875 for the Cooper Dr. Stormwater Improvements, for the Div. of Water Quality, and authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute an Agreement with L-M Asphalt Partners, Ltd d/b/a ATS Construction Co., related to the bid. [Div. of Water Quality, Martin]   Not available Not available
0194-25 147.Permanent Appointments Personnel 2.20.25ResolutionA Resolution ratifying the Permanent Classified Civil Service Appointments of: Crystal Martin, Equipment Operator Sr., Grade 515N, $21.185 hourly in the Div. of Streets and Roads, effective January 29, 2025, Matthew Christopher, Vehicle & Equipment Technician Principal, Grade 521N, $31.792 hourly in the Div. of Facilities and Fleet Management, effective February 12, 2025, Katrice Smoot, Public Service Worker, Grade 508N, $17.530 hourly in the Div. of Facilities and Fleet Management, effective February 12, 2025, James Baker, Fleet Operations Manager, Grade 527E, $3,769.28 biweekly in the Div. of Facilities and Fleet Management, effective February 26, 2025, Rodriquez Givens, Recreation Supervisor, Grade 514N, $23.318 hourly in the Div. of Parks and Recreation, effective January 15, 2025, Jonathan Boone, Recreation Specialist Sr., Grade 516N, $22.007 hourly in the Div. of Parks and Recreation, effective January 15, 2025, Macee Klimper, Administrative Specialist Sr., Grade 518N, $26.960 hourly in the Div. of Parks and Recreation, effective January 17, 2025. [Div. of Human Resources, Geor   Not available Not available
0193-25 1 Mayors Communication Personnel 2.20.25Communication (FYI)(1) Probationary Classified Civil Service Appointment of Jacob Bayless, Laboratory Technician, Grade 516N, $22.646 hourly in the Div. of Water Quality, effective February 10, 2025; (2) Probationary Classified Civil Service Appointment of Montez Gentry, Sewer Line Maintenance Field Technician, Grade 515N, $20.977 hourly in the Div. of Water Quality, effective February 24, 2025; (3) Probationary Classified Civil Service Appointment of Joseph Edmiston, Traffic Engineer, Grade 525E, $2,923.08 biweekly in the Div. of Traffic Engineering, effective February 10, 2025; (4) Probationary Classified Civil Service Appointment of Christopher Toutant, Program Manager Senior, Grade 525E, $3,651.28 biweekly in the Div. of Environmental Services, effective March 3, 2025; (5) Probationary Classified Civil Service Appointment of Rebecca Longo, Telecommunicator Sr., Grade 519N, $27.900 hourly in the Div. of Enhanced 911, effective February 10, 2025; (6) Probationary Classified Civil Service Appointment of Jareny Antonio, Telecommunicator, Grade 517N, $23.530 hourly in the Div. of Enhanced 911, effective   Not available Not available