Meeting Name: Urban County Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 5/26/2022 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final-revised  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
0515-22 1 Minutes of the May 5, 2022 Council Meeting.MinutesMinutes of the May 5, 2022 Council Meeting.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
0468-22 11.Budget Amendment Ordinance Schedule 0041OrdinanceAn Ordinance amending certain of the Budgets of the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government for Council appropriations for various projects from American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) State and Local Recovery Funds, as approved February 17, 2022, and appropriating and re-appropriating funds, Schedule No. 41. [Div. of Budgeting, Lueker]ApprovedPass Action details Not available
0469-22 12.Budget Amendment Ordinance Schedule 0040OrdinanceAn Ordinance amending certain of the Budgets of the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government to reflect current requirements for municipal expenditures, and appropriating and re-appropriating funds, FY 2022 Schedule No. 40. [Div. of Budgeting, Lueker]ApprovedPass Action details Not available
0490-22 13.[PLN-MAR-22-00004]OrdinanceAn Ordinance changing the zone from a Highway Service Business (B-3) zone to a Light Industrial (I-1) zone, for 7.997 net (8.187 gross) acres, and from a Planned Shopping Center (B-6P) zone to a Light Industrial (I-1) zone, for 0.00 net (0.65 gross) acre, for a property located at 2417 Georgetown Rd. (Millenium Realty, LLC; Council District 2). Approval 8-0 (To Be Heard By July 27, 2022) [Div. of Planning, Duncan]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0492-22 14.[PLN-MAR-22-00005OrdinanceAn Ordinance changing the zone from an Agricultural Urban (A-U) zone to a Planned Neighborhood Residential (R-3) zone, for 14.773 net (15.519 gross) acres, for property located at 4630 Old Schoolhouse Lane. (Cowgill Development, LLC; Council District 9). Approval 9-0 Objectors (Public Hearing June 21, 2022, 5:30 p.m.) [Div. of Planning, Duncan]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0493-22 15.PLN-ZOTA-22-00003OrdinanceAn Ordinance amending Articles 1-11: 8-1(c)(10), 8-1(d)(19), 8-1(n); 8-2(c)(10), 8-2(d)(12), 8-2(n); 8-3(c)(10), 8-3(n); 8-5(c)(8), 8-5(d)(9), 8-5(n); 8-9(c)(7); 8-10(c)(7); 23a-5(c)(5) and 23a-5(d)(2) of the Zoning Ordinance to update the regulations related to Family Child Care in a Residential Zone to comply with changes to KRS 100. (Urban County Planning Commission). [Div. of Planning, Duncan]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0494-22 16.PLN-ZOTA-22-00004OrdinanceAn Ordinance amending Section 8-15(b)(19) of the Zoning Ordinance to remove the current limitations (number of cosmetologists and square footage) on beauty shops and barber shops in the Professional Office (P-1) zone. (Courtney and Rodney Carpenter). [Div. of Planning, Duncan]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0494-22 1 PLN-ZOTA-22-00004OrdinanceAn Ordinance amending Section 8-15(b)(19) of the Zoning Ordinance to remove the current limitations (number of cosmetologists and square footage) on beauty shops and barber shops in the Professional Office (P-1) zone. (Courtney and Rodney Carpenter). [Div. of Planning, Duncan]Suspended Rules for Second ReadingPass Action details Not available
0494-22 1 PLN-ZOTA-22-00004OrdinanceAn Ordinance amending Section 8-15(b)(19) of the Zoning Ordinance to remove the current limitations (number of cosmetologists and square footage) on beauty shops and barber shops in the Professional Office (P-1) zone. (Courtney and Rodney Carpenter). [Div. of Planning, Duncan]ApprovedPass Action details Not available
0495-22 17.PLN-ZOTA-22-00005OrdinanceAn Ordinance amending Section 8-22(b)(4) of the Zoning Ordinance to include Craft Distilleries as a principal permitted use in the Light Industrial (I-1) zone. (Turner Property 4, LLC). [Div. of Planning, Duncan]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0495-22 1 PLN-ZOTA-22-00005OrdinanceAn Ordinance amending Section 8-22(b)(4) of the Zoning Ordinance to include Craft Distilleries as a principal permitted use in the Light Industrial (I-1) zone. (Turner Property 4, LLC). [Div. of Planning, Duncan]Suspended Rules for Second ReadingPass Action details Not available
0495-22 1 PLN-ZOTA-22-00005OrdinanceAn Ordinance amending Section 8-22(b)(4) of the Zoning Ordinance to include Craft Distilleries as a principal permitted use in the Light Industrial (I-1) zone. (Turner Property 4, LLC). [Div. of Planning, Duncan]ApprovedPass Action details Not available
0541-22 18.Budget Amendment Ordinance Schedule 0042OrdinanceAn Ordinance amending certain of the Budgets of the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government to reflect current requirements for municipal expenditures, and appropriating and re-appropriating funds, FY 2022 Schedule No. 42. [Div. of Budgeting, Lueker]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0510-22 19.22.0033 Parks & Recreation - Abolish/Create PositionOrdinanceAn Ordinance amending the authorized strength by abolishing one (1) vacant classified position of Staff Assistant, Grade 508N, and one (1) vacant classified position of Skilled Trades Manager, Grade 521E, and creating one (1) classified position of Parks and Recreation Superintendent, Grade 525E, all in the Div. of Parks and Recreation, effective upon passage of Council. [Div. of Human Resources, Maxwell]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0548-22 1 BA Walk OnOrdinanceAn Ordinance amending certain of the Budgets of the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government to provide $1,160,500 for acquisition of property for the Div. of Parks and Recreation and appropriating and re-appropriating funds, Schedule No. 44. [Council Office, Maynard]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0451-22 11.Personnel Resolutions 5.5.22ResolutionA Resolution ratifying the Permanent Classified Civil Service Appointments of: Charlene Ptasnik, Administrative Specialist Sr., Grade 516N, $20.736 hourly in the Div. of Revenue, effective April 25, 2022, Darrell Watkins, Public Service Supervisor, Grade 514N, $25.206 hourly in the Div. of Streets and Roads, effective May 8, 2022, Matthew Matteola, Heavy Equipment Technician, Grade 518N, $22.861 hourly in the Div. of Facilities and Fleet Management, effective April 11, 2022. [Div. of Human Resources, Maxwell]ApprovedPass Action details Not available
0465-22 12.Walk on - Juvenile Justice Day TreatmentResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute and submit a Grant Application to the Ky. Dept. of Juvenile Justice, to provide any additional information requested in connection with this Grant Application, and to execute an Agreement, subject to final approval from the Dept. of Law and the Div. of Grants and Special Programs, in order to accept this Grant if this Grant is awarded, which Grant funds are in the amount of $200,000 in state funding for fiscal years 2023 and 2024, collectively, and are for the provision of Day Treatment Services within the Div. of Youth Services, the acceptance of which will obligate the Urban County Government to the expenditure of $456,706 in funds for fiscal year 2023, and authorizing the Mayor to transfer unencumbered funds within the Grant Budget. [Council Office, Maynard]ApprovedPass Action details Not available
0318-22 13.Easement Acquisition Campbell LaneResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute certificates of consideration and other necessary documents, and to accept deeds for property interests needed for the Campbell Lane Stormwater Improvements Project, at a cost not to exceed $1,500. [Div. of Water Quality, Martin]ApprovedPass Action details Not available
0393-22 14.Thermal Service Sole SourceResolutionA Resolution establishing Thermal Service, LLC (f/k/a Thermal Equipment Service, Inc.), as a sole source provider for the purchase and service of HVAC Equipment. [Div. of Facilities and Fleet Management, Baradaran]ApprovedPass Action details Not available
0403-22 15.Community Action Council ESR PSA AmendmentResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute an Amendment to Purchase of Services Agreement with Community Action Council for Lexington-Fayette, Bourbon, Harrison, and Nicholas Counties, Inc. to extend the period for performance under the original Agreement (awarded pursuant to Resolution No. 456-2021) through June 30, 2023, at no additional cost to the Urban County Government. [Dept. of Social Services, Allen-Bryant]ApprovedPass Action details Not available
0404-22 16.Fireworks Agreement RJ CormanResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute the Premises Use Agreement with R.J. Corman Railroad Co./Central Ky. Lines, LLC for the set up and execution of Lexington’s 4th of July Fireworks at Railroad’s Lexington yard. [Div. of Parks and Recreation, Conrad]ApprovedPass Action details Not available
0405-22 17.NAMI Lease Agreement at Black & Williams CenterResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Lease Agreement with NAMI Lexington for approximately 795 square feet of space at the Black & Williams Neighborhood Center, located at 498 Georgetown St., in consideration of anticipated revenue in the amount of $7,830.75. [Dept. of General Services, Ford]ApprovedPass Action details Not available
0406-22 18.WECEP Lease Agreement at Black & Williams CenterResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Lease Agreement with West End Community Empowerment Project of Lexington, Inc. for approximately 2,510 square feet of space at the Black & Williams Neighborhood Center, located at 498 Georgetown St., in consideration of anticipated revenue in the amount of $24,723.50. [Dept. of General Services, Ford]ApprovedPass Action details Not available
0407-22 19.Galls - Police Recruitment DonationResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to accept a donation from Galls of various items to assist with Recruiting, for use at the Div. of Police, at no cost to the Urban County Government. [Div. of Police, Weathers]ApprovedPass Action details Not available
0408-22 110.Tetra Tech Rave Run Landfill BioswaleResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Professional Services Agreement (awarded pursuant to RFP No. 17-2022) with Tetra Tech, Inc., for services related to the former Jacks Creek Pike Landfill Improvement Project at Raven Run Nature Sanctuary, at a cost not to exceed $37,000. [Div. of Environmental Services, Carey]ApprovedPass Action details Not available
0409-22 111.Easement Acquisition 1051 Russell Cave Rd USARCResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Letter of Agreement with the United States Dept. of the Army, for the Amendment of easements on the property located at 1051 Russell Cave Rd., for the construction of the Lexmark Trunk A & B Sanitary Sewer Project, a Remedial Measures Project required by the Consent Decree, at a cost not to exceed $4,000. [Div. of Water Quality, Martin]ApprovedPass Action details Not available
0410-22 112.Easement Acquisition Amendment #2 of New Circle ABResolutionA Resolution amending Resolution No. 457-2020, as amended by Resolution No. 162-2022, authorizing the acceptance of deeds for property interests needed for the New Circle Rd. Trunk Sewers A & B Project, a Remedial Measures Project required by the Consent Decree, increasing the cost of acquisition of easements by the sum of $41,413.27, from $91,000.00 to $132,413.27. [Div. of Water Quality, Martin]ApprovedPass Action details Not available
0412-22 113.CPAAA Donation - Police Related Items/EquipmentResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to accept a donation from the Citizens Police Academy Alumni Association of various items, for use at the Div. of Police, at no cost to the Urban County Government. [Div. of Police, Weathers]ApprovedPass Action details Not available
0423-22 114.TrustedSec Incident Response and Forensic AnalysisResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Statement of Work with TrustedSec, LLC for Incident Response and Forensic Analysis services, for the Div. of Computer Services, at a cost not to exceed $16,000 in FY 2022, and authorizing the Chief Information Officer to execute future renewals and Change Orders at a total cost not to exceed an additional $16,000 per fiscal year, subject to the Budgeting of sufficient funds in future fiscal years. [Dept. of Information Technology, Valicenti]ApprovedPass Action details Not available
0424-22 215.Request Council authorization to authorize and direct the Mayor to execute Supplemental Agreement #1 with the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet incorporating the budget and scope of work for the approved U.S. Department of Transportation for Amendment No. 3ResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute an Amendment to Supplemental Agreement No. 1 with the Ky. Transportation Cabinet, in order to incorporate Amendment No. 3 of the TIGER Grant Agreement and pass through Federal funds to the Urban County Government for the Town Branch Commons Project. [Mayor's Office, Peacher]ApprovedPass Action details Not available
0425-22 216.Request Council Authorization to execute an amendment to the Fayette Park Homeowners Association, Inc. Neighborhood Action Match agreement providing an extension to the project to May 31, 2023 at no additional cost due to delays.ResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute an Amendment to an Agreement with the Fayette Park Homeowners Association, Inc., under the Neighborhood Action Match Program, extending the project to May 31, 2023. [Div. of Grants and Special Programs, Reynolds]ApprovedPass Action details Not available
0467-22 117.Walk on - Shopping Cart ResoResolutionA Resolution requesting the administration to reach out and work with local businesses to develop a policy for return or retrieval of abandoned shopping carts. [Council Office, Maynard]ApprovedPass Action details Not available
0411-22 118.MECU Lease Agreement at Phoenix BldgResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Lease Agreement with Metro Employees Credit Union, for approximately 625 square feet of space at the Phoenix Building located at 101 East Vine Street, in consideration of anticipated revenue in the amount of $10,937.50. [Dept. of General Services, Ford]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0426-22 119.Assignment of Agreement Contract #039-2022ResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute an Assignment, Assumption, and Consent Agreement, consenting to the assignment of the Agreement for the Hartland Pump Station No. 3 Replacement Project from Lokits Contracting, LLC to Herrick Co., Inc., at no cost to the Urban County Government. [Div. of Water Quality, Martin]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0427-22 120.KYPTAC MOAResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Memorandum of Agreement with the Ky. Science and Technology Corporation and its Ky. Procurement Technical Assistance Center, to provide joint classes, outreach events and webinars that support LFUCG’s Minority Business Enterprise Program, at a cost not to exceed $5,000. [Div. of Purchasing, Slatin]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0432-22 121.FOF trailer donationResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to accept a donation from Fraternal Order of Firefighters of a Gator-made enclosed car hauler and a utility trailer with two cooking griddles, for use at the Div. of Fire Community Services Bureau, at no cost to the Urban County Government. [Div. of Fire and Emergency Services, Wells]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0434-22 122.MECU Lease Agreement at Versailles Rd CampusResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a lease Agreement with Metro Employees Credit Union for approximately 4,265 square feet of space at the Versailles Rd. Government Campus, located at 1306 Versailles Rd., in consideration of anticipated revenue in the amount of $45,550.20. [Dept. of General Services, Ford]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0435-22 123.LexPark Lease Agreement 7-1-2022ResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a lease Agreement with Lexington & Fayette County Parking Authority for approximately 855 square feet of space at the Government Center Annex Building, located at 162 East Main St., in consideration of anticipated revenue in the amount of $12,782.28. [Dept. of General Services, Ford]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0436-22 124.Picnic with the Pops Keeneland AgreementResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Lease Agreement with Keeneland, for use of the facility for Picnic with the Pops. [Mayor's Office, Scott ]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0454-22 125.Ring Neighbors Public Safety ServiceResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute the Acknowledgement Form with Ring, for the Div. of Fire to join the Ring Neighbors Public Safety Service. [Div. of Fire and Emergency Services, Wells]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0456-22 526.Fire Department KOHS Grant ApplicationResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute and submit three (3) Grant Applications to the Ky. Office of Homeland Security (KOHS) and to provide any additional information requested in connection with these Grant Applications, which Grant funds are in the amount of $316,617.93 Federal funds under the 2022 Ky. Office of Homeland Security Grant Program, and are for the purchase of FEMA Courses ($52,777.00), a Utility Terrain Vehicle ($39,840.93), and All Band All Hazards Radios ($224,000.00), for the Div. of Fire and Emergency Services. [Div. of Fire and Emergency Services, Wells]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0456-22 5 Fire Department KOHS Grant ApplicationResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute and submit three (3) Grant Applications to the Ky. Office of Homeland Security (KOHS) and to provide any additional information requested in connection with these Grant Applications, which Grant funds are in the amount of $316,617.93 Federal funds under the 2022 Ky. Office of Homeland Security Grant Program, and are for the purchase of FEMA Courses ($52,777.00), a Utility Terrain Vehicle ($39,840.93), and All Band All Hazards Radios ($224,000.00), for the Div. of Fire and Emergency Services. [Div. of Fire and Emergency Services, Wells]Suspended Rules for Second ReadingPass Action details Not available
0456-22 5 Fire Department KOHS Grant ApplicationResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute and submit three (3) Grant Applications to the Ky. Office of Homeland Security (KOHS) and to provide any additional information requested in connection with these Grant Applications, which Grant funds are in the amount of $316,617.93 Federal funds under the 2022 Ky. Office of Homeland Security Grant Program, and are for the purchase of FEMA Courses ($52,777.00), a Utility Terrain Vehicle ($39,840.93), and All Band All Hazards Radios ($224,000.00), for the Div. of Fire and Emergency Services. [Div. of Fire and Emergency Services, Wells]ApprovedPass Action details Not available
0459-22 127.Remotec Inc. sole sourceResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Div. of Police to purchase replacement parts for the Div.’s Robot from Remotec Inc., a sole source provider, and authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute any necessary Agreement with Remotec Inc., related to the procurement, at a cost not to exceed $183,850. [Div. of Police, Weathers]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0460-22 128.Advanced CavCom, Inc. sole sourceResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Div. of Emergency Management to purchase communication devices from CavCom Inc., a sole source provider, and authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute any necessary Agreement with CavCom Inc., related to the procurement, at a cost not to exceed $49,782.80. [Div. of Emergency Management, Dugger]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0461-22 129.ElectionsResolutionA Resolution ratifying, on behalf of the Urban County Government, the Mayor’s prior execution of a renewal Agreement with the Commonwealth of Ky. State Board of Elections, for the acceptance of $575,370 for the purchase of voting equipment. [Dept. of Finance, Hensley]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0479-22 130.Bid Recommendation to establish a price contract for Bid#24-2022 Odor Control ChemicalsResolutionA Resolution accepting the bid of Aulick Chemical Solutions, Inc., establishing a price contract for Odor Control Chemicals, for the Div. of Water Quality. (2 Bids, Low) [Martin]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0503-22 131.Recommendation for Bid #39-2022 Outdoor Playground EquipmentResolutionA Resolution accepting the bids of BCI Burke Co., LLC; Bluegrass Recreational Sales and Installation, LLC; David Williams and Associates, Inc.; Midstates Recreation a/k/a Playworld Midstates; County Line Companies d/b/a PlayPros; Recreation inSites, LLC; and Weber Group, establishing price contracts for Outdoor Playground Equipment, for the Div. of Parks and Recreation. (7 Bids) [Conrad]Received First ReadingPass Action details Not available
0503-22 1 Recommendation for Bid #39-2022 Outdoor Playground EquipmentResolutionA Resolution accepting the bids of BCI Burke Co., LLC; Bluegrass Recreational Sales and Installation, LLC; David Williams and Associates, Inc.; Midstates Recreation a/k/a Playworld Midstates; County Line Companies d/b/a PlayPros; Recreation inSites, LLC; and Weber Group, establishing price contracts for Outdoor Playground Equipment, for the Div. of Parks and Recreation. (7 Bids) [Conrad]Suspended Rules for Second ReadingPass Action details Not available
0503-22 1 Recommendation for Bid #39-2022 Outdoor Playground EquipmentResolutionA Resolution accepting the bids of BCI Burke Co., LLC; Bluegrass Recreational Sales and Installation, LLC; David Williams and Associates, Inc.; Midstates Recreation a/k/a Playworld Midstates; County Line Companies d/b/a PlayPros; Recreation inSites, LLC; and Weber Group, establishing price contracts for Outdoor Playground Equipment, for the Div. of Parks and Recreation. (7 Bids) [Conrad]ApprovedPass Action details Not available
0523-22 132.Bid Recommendation for Bid#45-2022 West Hickman WWTP Final Clarifier Stair ReplacementResolutionA Resolution accepting the bid of Herrick Co., Inc., in the amount of $168,850, for the West Hickman Waste Water Treatment Plant Final Clarifier Stair Replacement, for the Div. of Water Quality, and authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute an Agreement with Herrick Co., Inc., related to the bid. (4 Bids, Low) [Martin]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0526-22 133.Recommendation for Bid#37-2022 Construction of New Police East Sector Roll CallResolutionA Resolution accepting the bid of Rising Sun Developing, Inc., in the amount of $4,242,845, for construction of new Police East Sector Roll Call, for the Dept. of General Services, and authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to enter into an Agreement with Rising Sun Developing, Inc., related to the bid. (3 Bids, Low) [Ford]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0526-22 1 Recommendation for Bid#37-2022 Construction of New Police East Sector Roll CallResolutionA Resolution accepting the bid of Rising Sun Developing, Inc., in the amount of $4,242,845, for construction of new Police East Sector Roll Call, for the Dept. of General Services, and authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to enter into an Agreement with Rising Sun Developing, Inc., related to the bid. (3 Bids, Low) [Ford]Suspended Rules for Second ReadingPass Action details Not available
0526-22 1 Recommendation for Bid#37-2022 Construction of New Police East Sector Roll CallResolutionA Resolution accepting the bid of Rising Sun Developing, Inc., in the amount of $4,242,845, for construction of new Police East Sector Roll Call, for the Dept. of General Services, and authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to enter into an Agreement with Rising Sun Developing, Inc., related to the bid. (3 Bids, Low) [Ford]ApprovedPass Action details Not available
0527-22 134.Personnel Actions 5.26.22ResolutionA Resolution ratifying the Permanent Classified Civil Service Appointments of: Chenice Ganns, Trades Worker Sr., Grade 511N, $16.752 hourly in the Div. of Streets and Roads, effective April 18, 2022; Jamel Bell, Resource Recovery Operator, Grade 513N, $17.956 hourly in the Div. of Waste Management, effective January 19, 2022; Eric Hodgson, Resource Recovery Operator, Grade 513N, $18.151 hourly in the Div. of Waste Management, effective April 11, 2022; Calvin Johnson, Resource Recovery Operator, Grade 513N, $18.121 hourly in the Div. of Waste Management, effective April 11, 2022; Clarence Laine, Public Service Worker, Grade 507N, $15.050 hourly in the Div. of Waste Management, effective May 22, 2022; Rafael Thomas, Public Service Worker, Grade 507N, $15.050 hourly in the Div. of Waste Management, effective February 9, 2022; Ashley Tackett, Staff Assistant Sr., Grade 510N, $16.506 hourly in the Div. of Human Resources, effective May 22, 2022; Stephanie Thomas, Staff Assistant Sr., Grade 510N, $16.132 hourly in the Div. of Human Resources, effective May 22, 2022; Heather Wilson, ProgramReceived First Reading  Action details Not available
0539-22 135.Walk on - Brannon Run TributaryResolutionA Resolution recognizing that the tributary flowing through the Dogwood Trace subdivision in Lexington-Fayette County is named “Brannon Run” from the point of its origin to the point of its confluence with South Elkhorn Creek. [Council Office, Maynard]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0458-22 136.Renewal of Tetra Tech, Inc. Services Agreement. #087-2020ResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute the Second Renewal of the Agreement with Tetra Tech, Inc., for annual Program Management Services for Consent Decree Implementation and MS4 Permit Compliance, at a cost not to exceed $727,119. [Div. of Water Quality, Martin]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0464-22 137.Douglas Avenue Speed TablesResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Div. of Traffic Engineering to install three (3) speed tables on Douglas Ave. between Newtown Pike and Coffee Tree Ln. per guidelines in the Neighborhood Traffic Management Program, at a cost not to exceed $13,500. [Div. of Traffic Engineering, Neal]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0466-22 138.BC Wood Properties - Eastland Legacy Center LLC & Central Bank & Trust Co. - Subordination, Non-Disturbance and Attornment Agreement (SNDA)ResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute Subordination, Non-Disturbance and Attornment Agreement with BC Wood Properties, for Police Central Sector Roll Call. [Div. of Police, Weathers]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0476-22 139.USGS Gauge Network AgreementResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute an Agreement with U.S. Geological Survey, for the continuing and ongoing maintenance and operation of existing stream flow and precipitation gauges, for the period July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023, at a cost not to exceed $118,450, subject to sufficient funds being appropriated (FY2023). [Div. of Water Quality, Martin]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0481-22 140.Bureau of Prisons Easement StipulationsResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to accept a deed of easement for property located at 3301 Leestown Rd., and to execute easement stipulations and any other documents with the U.S. Dept. of Justice, Federal Bureau of Prisons, for the acquisition of property interests necessary for the replacement of an access road culvert at the Lower Town Branch Pump Station, at no cost to the Urban County Government. [Div. of Water Quality, Martin]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0484-22 141.Verizon Site Access Agreement Deer Haven ParkResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Site Access Agreement with Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless, for access to Deer Haven Park, to assess the suitability of the property, at no cost to the Urban County Government. [Dept. of General Services, Ford]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0485-22 142.PSA Lexington Pride CenterResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Purchase of Service Agreement with Lexington Pride Center, for programmatic support, at a cost not to exceed $5,000. [Mayor's Office, Scott]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0486-22 143.Sole Source_Atlantic Emergency SolutionsResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Div. of Fire and Emergency Services to purchase parts and repair of Fire apparatus from Atlantic Emergency Solutions, a sole source provider, and authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute any necessary agreement with Atlantic Emergency Solutions, related to the procurement. [Div. of Fire and Emergency Services, Wells]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0487-22 144.Pierce Fire Engine Donation to Fayette County SchoolsResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to donate a 1986 Pierce Arrow Fire Engine to the Fayette County Public Schools, for use at the East-Side Technical School. [Div. of Fire and Emergency Services, Wells]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0488-22 145.RJ Corman Railroad Group DonationResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to accept a donation from RJ Corman Railroad Group to repair the railroad crossing at Safety City. [Div. of Police, Weathers]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0489-22 146.Friends of Raven Run DonationResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to accept a donation in the amount of $5,000 from Friends of Raven Run, for the grant match for a Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant. [Div. of Parks and Recreation, Conrad]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0491-22 147.Golf EquipmentResolutionA Resolution establishing Greenville Turf and Tractor as a sole source provider for two pieces of golf maintenance equipment for the Div. of Parks and Recreation, and authorizing the Mayor or her designee, on behalf of the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government, to execute any necessary agreements with Greenville Turf and Tractor related to the procurement of these goods, at a cost not to exceed $45,754.94. [Div. of Parks and Recreation, Conrad]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0491-22 1 Golf EquipmentResolutionA Resolution establishing Greenville Turf and Tractor as a sole source provider for two pieces of golf maintenance equipment for the Div. of Parks and Recreation, and authorizing the Mayor or her designee, on behalf of the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government, to execute any necessary agreements with Greenville Turf and Tractor related to the procurement of these goods, at a cost not to exceed $45,754.94. [Div. of Parks and Recreation, Conrad]Suspended Rules for Second ReadingPass Action details Not available
0491-22 1 Golf EquipmentResolutionA Resolution establishing Greenville Turf and Tractor as a sole source provider for two pieces of golf maintenance equipment for the Div. of Parks and Recreation, and authorizing the Mayor or her designee, on behalf of the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government, to execute any necessary agreements with Greenville Turf and Tractor related to the procurement of these goods, at a cost not to exceed $45,754.94. [Div. of Parks and Recreation, Conrad]ApprovedPass Action details Not available
0496-22 148.Lexington Pride Festival PSA FY22ResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Purchase of Service Agreement with the Lexington Pride Center to support the annual LGBTQ Festival, at a cost not to exceed $2,500. [Mayor's Office, Scott]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0496-22 1 Lexington Pride Festival PSA FY22ResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Purchase of Service Agreement with the Lexington Pride Center to support the annual LGBTQ Festival, at a cost not to exceed $2,500. [Mayor's Office, Scott]Suspended Rules for Second ReadingPass Action details Not available
0496-22 1eLexington Pride Festival PSA FY22ResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Purchase of Service Agreement with the Lexington Pride Center to support the annual LGBTQ Festival, at a cost not to exceed $2,500. [Mayor's Office, Scott]ApprovedPass Action details Not available
0497-22 149.FAYETTE MALL RECRUITING KIOSK- MAY 2022ResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute an agreement with Fayette Mall, SPE, LLC, to install a kiosk at Fayette Mall for officer recruitment, for the Div. of Community Corrections, at a cost not to exceed $3,600. [Div. of Community Corrections, Farmer]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0500-22 150.Meridian Medical Sole SourceResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Div. of Environmental and Emergency Management to purchase DuoDote Auto-Injectors from Meridian Medical Technologies Inc., a sole source provider, and authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute any necessary Agreement with Meridian Medical Technologies Inc., related to the procurement, at a cost not to exceed $15,327. [Div. of Emergency Management, Dugger]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0502-22 151.ARP Extended School ProgramResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to accept an additional award of $116,221.30 in Federal funds under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) from the Ky. Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Dept. for Community Based Services, in order to support child care expenses in the Extended School Program at the Div. of Parks and Recreation, the acceptance of which does not obligate the Urban County Government to the expenditure of funds, and authorizing the Mayor to transfer unencumbered funds within the Grant Budget. [Div. of Parks and Recreation, Conrad]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0505-22 152.NAMP Ashland Neighborhood Assoc. extensionResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute an Amendment to an Agreement with the Ashland Neighborhood Association, under the Neighborhood Action Match Program, extending the project to August 31, 2022. [Div. of Grants and Special Programs, Reynolds]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0507-22 153.Brandstetter CarrollResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Professional Services Agreement (awarded pursuant to RFP No. 20-2022) with Brandstetter Carroll, Inc., for design services for a new community park at Cardinal Run Park North, at a cost not to exceed $700,000, using funds from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, and authorizing the Mayor to execute any other necessary agreements or documents related thereto. [Div. of Parks and Recreation, Conrad]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0507-22 1 Brandstetter CarrollResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Professional Services Agreement (awarded pursuant to RFP No. 20-2022) with Brandstetter Carroll, Inc., for design services for a new community park at Cardinal Run Park North, at a cost not to exceed $700,000, using funds from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, and authorizing the Mayor to execute any other necessary agreements or documents related thereto. [Div. of Parks and Recreation, Conrad]Suspended Rules for Second ReadingPass Action details Not available
0507-22 1eBrandstetter CarrollResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Professional Services Agreement (awarded pursuant to RFP No. 20-2022) with Brandstetter Carroll, Inc., for design services for a new community park at Cardinal Run Park North, at a cost not to exceed $700,000, using funds from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, and authorizing the Mayor to execute any other necessary agreements or documents related thereto. [Div. of Parks and Recreation, Conrad]ApprovedPass Action details Not available
0508-22 154.Palmer Trails DesignResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Professional Services Agreement (awarded pursuant to RFP No. 18-2022) with Palmer Engineering Co., for design services for improvements to the trail systems within Ravens Run Nature Sanctuary and Masterson Station, Gainesway, Wildwood, Jacobson, and Whitney Young Parks, at a cost not to exceed $350,760, using funds from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, and authorizing the Mayor to execute any other necessary Agreements or documents related thereto. [Div. of Parks and Recreation, Conrad]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0508-22 1 Palmer Trails DesignResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Professional Services Agreement (awarded pursuant to RFP No. 18-2022) with Palmer Engineering Co., for design services for improvements to the trail systems within Ravens Run Nature Sanctuary and Masterson Station, Gainesway, Wildwood, Jacobson, and Whitney Young Parks, at a cost not to exceed $350,760, using funds from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, and authorizing the Mayor to execute any other necessary Agreements or documents related thereto. [Div. of Parks and Recreation, Conrad]Suspended Rules for Second ReadingPass Action details Not available
0508-22 1 Palmer Trails DesignResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Professional Services Agreement (awarded pursuant to RFP No. 18-2022) with Palmer Engineering Co., for design services for improvements to the trail systems within Ravens Run Nature Sanctuary and Masterson Station, Gainesway, Wildwood, Jacobson, and Whitney Young Parks, at a cost not to exceed $350,760, using funds from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, and authorizing the Mayor to execute any other necessary Agreements or documents related thereto. [Div. of Parks and Recreation, Conrad]ApprovedPass Action details Not available
0509-22 155.Element Design Sports CourtsResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Professional Services Agreement (awarded pursuant to RFP No. 19-2022) with Element Design, PLLC, for design services for new courts and existing court renovations at various Lexington parks, at a cost not to exceed $66,000, using funds from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, and authorizing the Mayor to execute any other necessary Agreements or documents related thereto. [Div. of Parks and Recreation, Conrad]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0509-22 1 Element Design Sports CourtsResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Professional Services Agreement (awarded pursuant to RFP No. 19-2022) with Element Design, PLLC, for design services for new courts and existing court renovations at various Lexington parks, at a cost not to exceed $66,000, using funds from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, and authorizing the Mayor to execute any other necessary Agreements or documents related thereto. [Div. of Parks and Recreation, Conrad]Suspended Rules for Second ReadingPass Action details Not available
0509-22 1 Element Design Sports CourtsResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Professional Services Agreement (awarded pursuant to RFP No. 19-2022) with Element Design, PLLC, for design services for new courts and existing court renovations at various Lexington parks, at a cost not to exceed $66,000, using funds from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, and authorizing the Mayor to execute any other necessary Agreements or documents related thereto. [Div. of Parks and Recreation, Conrad]ApprovedPass Action details Not available
0514-22 156.Machinex - Parts and EquipmentResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Div. of Waste Management to purchase parts and services for equipment at the Material Recovery Facility from Machinex Technologies Inc., a sole source provider, and authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute any necessary Agreement with Machinex Technologies Inc., related to the procurement. [Div. of Waste Management, Thurman]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0517-22 157.ndf list 5 24 22ResolutionA Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute an Agreement with Highlands Neighborhood Association ($500), for the Office of the Urban County Council, at a cost not to exceed the sum stated. [Council Office, Maynard]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0524-22 158.Walk on - RPPP South HillResolutionA Resolution amending Resolution 247-93 to include 304 West High St. as part of a Residential Parking Permit Program known as South Hill from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., Monday through Friday. [Council Office, Maynard]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0524-22 1 Walk on - RPPP South HillResolutionA Resolution amending Resolution 247-93 to include 304 West High St. as part of a Residential Parking Permit Program known as South Hill from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., Monday through Friday. [Council Office, Maynard]Suspended Rules for Second ReadingPass Action details Not available
0524-22 1 Walk on - RPPP South HillResolutionA Resolution amending Resolution 247-93 to include 304 West High St. as part of a Residential Parking Permit Program known as South Hill from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., Monday through Friday. [Council Office, Maynard]ApprovedPass Action details Not available
0525-22 159.Walk on - RPPP Bullock PlaceResolutionA Resolution amending Resolution 250-93 to include 133 North Ashland Ave. as part of a Residential Parking Permit Program known as Bullock Pl. [Council Office, Maynard]Received First Reading  Action details Not available
0525-22 1 Walk on - RPPP Bullock PlaceResolutionA Resolution amending Resolution 250-93 to include 133 North Ashland Ave. as part of a Residential Parking Permit Program known as Bullock Pl. [Council Office, Maynard]Suspended Rules for Second ReadingPass Action details Not available
0525-22 1 Walk on - RPPP Bullock PlaceResolutionA Resolution amending Resolution 250-93 to include 133 North Ashland Ave. as part of a Residential Parking Permit Program known as Bullock Pl. [Council Office, Maynard]ApprovedPass Action details Not available
0542-22 1 walk on Purchase of 8949 Old Richmond RoadResolutionwalk on Purchase of 8949 Old Richmond RoadReceived First Reading  Action details Not available
0542-22 1 walk on Purchase of 8949 Old Richmond RoadResolutionwalk on Purchase of 8949 Old Richmond RoadSuspended Rules for Second ReadingPass Action details Not available
0542-22 1 walk on Purchase of 8949 Old Richmond RoadResolutionwalk on Purchase of 8949 Old Richmond RoadApprovedPass Action details Not available
0522-22 1 Mayor's Report 5-26-2022Communication (Appointments)(1) Recommending the reappointment of Brian Wells to the Airport Board with a term expiring July 14, 2026; (2) Recommending the appointment of Amy Stout to the Arboretum Advisory Board with a term expiring January 1, 2026; (3) Recommending the appointment of Amanda Secen to the Bluegrass Crime Stoppers with a term expiring May 24, 2026; (4) Recommending the reappointment of Harry Clarke to the Board of Adjustment with a term expiring July 1, 2026; (5) Recommending the reappointments of James Dickinson, Property Owner in Fayette County H1 Overlay Zone, and Susan Hill, Preservation Related Professional, to the Board of Architectural Review both with terms expiring June 30, 2026; (6) Recommending the reappointment of Leah Mason, At large, to the Board of Health with a term expiring June 30, 2024; (7) Recommending the reappointments of Amy Len Dailey and Kay Yates to CASA of Lexington both with terms expiring July 1, 2026; (8) Recommending the appointment of Debra Faulk to the Charles Young Center Advisory Board with a term expiring March 1, 2026; (9) Recommending the reappointment of JoApprovedPass Action details Not available
0528-22 1 Mayor's Information 5.26.22Communication (FYI)(1) Probationary Classified Civil Service Appointment of Daniel Tyler Layne, Administrative Specialist, Grade 513N, $18.544 hourly in the Div. of Revenue, effective May 23, 2022; (2) Probationary Classified Civil Service Appointment of Terri Thomas, Clerical Assistant Sr., Grade 507N, $16.171 hourly in the Div. of Accounting, effective June 6, 2022; (3) Probationary Classified Civil Service Appointment of James Ellis, Equipment Operator Sr., Grade 512N, $17.736 hourly in the Div. of Streets and Roads, effective May 16, 2022; (4) Probationary Classified Civil Service Appointment of Andrew Maucher, Laboratory Technician, Grade 513N, $18.270 hourly in the Div. of Water Quality, May 23, 2022; (5) Probationary Classified Civil Service Appointment of Aaron Mayberry, Resource Recovery Operator, Grade 513N, $19.807 hourly in the Div. of Waste Management, effective June 6, 2022; (6) Probationary Classified Civil Service Appointment of Joshua Bowman, Resource Recovery Operator, Grade 513N, $17.930 hourly in the Div. of Waste Management, effective June 21, 2022; (7) Probationary Classified CiviReceived and Filed  Action details Not available