A Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to accept an award of $10,000 from the Jessamine County Fiscal Court for the support of planning activities and operating costs related to the Office of the Lexington Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for Jessamine County, located within the Div. of Planning, the acceptance of which does not obligate the Urban County Government to the expenditure of funds, authorizing the Mayor to execute any necessary Agreements related to this Grant, and authorizing the Mayor to transfer unencumbered funds within the Grant Budget. [Dept. of Planning and Preservation, Horn]
Authorization to accept funds in the amount of $10,000 from the Jessamine County Fiscal Court for the Lexington Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). No match required. (L0098-24) (Duncan/Horn)
Budgetary Implications: Yes
Advance Document Review:
Law: No
Risk Management: N/A
Fully Budgeted: Budget amendment is in process.
Account Number: 3300-160705-0001-XXXXX
This Fiscal Year Impact: $10,000
Annual Impact: $0
Project: JESSAMINE_2024
Activity: OTH_GRANT
Budget Reference: 2024
Current Balance: BA in process
{COUNCIL CLERK’S OFFICE WILL COMPLETE - Body of Resolution or Ordinance}