File #: 1068-19    Version: 1 Name: Renovation Amendment Fire Station #9
Type: Resolution Status: Approved
File created: 10/3/2019 In control: Urban County Council
On agenda: 11/14/2019 Final action: 11/14/2019
Enactment date: 11/14/2019 Enactment #: R-620-2019
Title: A Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute an Agreement with Brandstetter Carroll, Inc., for design services for renovation of Fire Station #9, at a cost not to exceed $31,750. [Div. of Fire and Emergency Services, Chilton]
Attachments: 1. Renovation amendment Fire Statio 9_blue sheet, 2. Supporting docs for Station #9, 3. 00670156.pdf, 4. RESOLUTION - 620-2019


A Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute an Agreement with Brandstetter Carroll, Inc., for design services for renovation of Fire Station #9, at a cost not to exceed $31,750. [Div. of Fire and Emergency Services, Chilton]



Authorization to execute an Agreement with Brandstetter Carroll, Inc. for the design services for the renovation of Fire Station #9. The first phase of this work was competitively bid under RFP #20-2019. $43,000.00 was approved by Council to complete the Phase A programming and design on November 15, 2018 per Resolution 700-2018. The project Budget has now been established and additional funding has been secured. The remaining design fees for design, development, and construction documents have been calculated at an additional cost of $31,750.00. The total Contract amount will then be $74,750.00. Funds are Budgeted. (L1068-19) (Chilton/Armstrong)

Budgetary Implications [select]: Yes

Advance Document Review:

Law: No

Risk Management:  No

Fully Budgeted [select]: Yes

Account Number: 2608-505704-5742-91017  

This Fiscal Year Impact:                     $31,750 ($74,750.00 for total design and documents)

Annual Impact:                      $N/A

Project: FIRE_UPGRD_2018


Budget Reference: 2018

Current Balance: $864,065.00



                     Section 1 - That the Mayor, on behalf of the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government, be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute the Agreement, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, with Brandstetter Carroll, Inc., for design services for renovation of Fire Station # 9.

                     Section 2 - That an amount, not to exceed the sum of $31,750.00, be and hereby is approved for payment to Brandstetter Carroll, Inc., from account # 2608-505704-91017, pursuant to the terms of the Agreement.

                     Section 3 - That this Resolution shall become effective on the date of its passage.

                     PASSED URBAN COUNTY COUNCIL: