A Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute Supplemental Agreement No. Four (4) with the Ky. Transportation Cabinet, for the acceptance of additional Federal funds for the Newtown Pike Extension Project in the amount of $2,720,038 for supplemental design and to approve an Amendment to Agreement with Lexington Community Land Trust, Inc. for additional Federal funds in the amount of $2,228,038 for operating, legal, mitigation, and housing construction costs. [Div. of Grants and Special Programs/Dept. of Planning, Preservation and Development, Gooding/Paulsen]
Authorization to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 4 between the LFUCG and the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, accepting additional federal funds in the amount of $2,720,038 for the Newtown Pike Extension Project and to approve amendment to agreement with Lexington Community Land Trust for additional federal funds in the amount of $2,228,038 for operating, legal, mitigation, and housing construction costs. The Newtown Pike Extension is authorized by Congress as a High Priority Project under Transportation Equity Act for the 201st Century. A budget amendment is in process. (L0794-15)(Gooding/Paulsen)
Budgetary Implications [select]: Yes
Advance Document Review:
Law: Yes. Completed by Melissa Murphy, June 9, 2015
Risk Management: NO
Fully Budgeted [select]: BA in Process
Account Number: 3160-303202-3211-91715
This Fiscal Year Impact: $2,720,038.00
Annual Impact: $
Project: NEWTOWNPK_2011
Activity: SUP_2016_A
Budget Reference: 2011
Current Balance: BA in process
{COUNCIL CLERK’S OFFICE WILL COMPLETE - Body of resolution or ordinance}