1. Recommending the appointments of Mr. Kevin Edmonds, as LFUCG Member representative, and Ms. Joanna Rhodes, as LFUCG Member representative, to the Black & Williams Neighborhood Community Center Board, with terms to expire 8/13/2019.
2. Recommending the reappointments of Councilmember Shevawn Akers, Councilmember Amanda Mays Bledsoe, Mr. Roger Daman, as General Services representative, Councilmember Bill Farmer, and Ms. Elizabeth Pattengill, as Federated Garden Club representative, to the Corridors Commission, with terms to expire 8/13/2019.
3. Recommending the reappointment of Mr. Luther Andal, as Business Owner within Overlay Zone District representative, to the Courthouse Area Design Review Board, with term to expire 8/13/2019.
4. Recommending the reappointment of Ms. Sharon Reed, as Neighborhood representative, to the Historic Preservation Commission, with term to expire 8/13/2019.
5. Recommending the appointment of Ms. Roslyn Heise, as At-Large Citizen representative, to the Lyric Theatre and Cultural Arts Center Board of Directors, with term to expire 8/13/2019.
6. Recommending the appointment of Ms. Constance Brannen, as Kentucky Border Collies Association Member representative, to the Masterson Station Park Advisory Board, with term to expire 8/13/2019.
7. Recommending the appointment of Mr. Robert McGoodwin, as Fayette County Citizen representative, to the Paris Pike Corridor Commission, with term to expire 8/13/2019.
8. Recommending the appointment of Mr. Christian Motley to the Transit Authority Board, with term to expire 6/30/2019.
9. Recommending the appointment of Ms. Cynthia Deitz, as Planning representative, to the Tree Board, with term to expire 8/13/2019.
10. Recommending the reappointment of Mr. Michael McKay, as UK College of Design representative, and the appointments of Ms. Sonja Brooks, as Art Educator representative, Mr. Lincoln-Edward Mackey, as Engineer representative, and Ms. Ellen Plummer, as LexArts President repr...
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