Authorization to re-establish Magnet Forensics, LLC (GrayKey) as a sole source vendor and to approve the purchase of Magnet Forensics LLC Software, a digital investigative platform for recovering digital evidence. At a cost of $57,109.50. Funds are budgeted. (0063-25)(Weathers/Armstrong)
Authorization to re-establish Magnet Forensics, LLC (GrayKey) as a sole source vendor and to approve the purchase of Magnet Forensics LLC Software, a digital investigative platform for recovering digital evidence. At a cost of $57,109.50. Funds are budgeted. (0063-25)(Weathers/Armstrong)
Budgetary Implications: YES
Advance Document Review:
Law: Yes, Michael Sanner, 12/27/2024
Risk Management: No
Fully Budgeted: Yes
Account Number: 1101-505506-5561-76102
Year Impact: $57,109.50
Annual Impact: $ -0-
Budget Reference:
Current Balance: $573,330.00
{COUNCIL CLERK’S OFFICE WILL COMPLETE - Body of resolution or ordinance}