An Ordinance amending Section 23-30(b)(4)(a) of the Code of Ordinances, relating to employees of the Div. of Fire and Emergency Services who are appointed to the positions of Assistant Fire Chief and Fire Battalion Chief, to provide that employees appointed to those positions shall receive a bi-weekly stipend in an amount authorized by the Urban County Council; authorizing a stipend for the appointed position of Fire Battalion Chief in the amount of $771 bi-weekly; and authorizing a stipend for the appointed position of Assistant Fire Chief in the amount of $1,471 bi-weekly; all effective July 1, 2024. [Div. of Fire and Emergency Services, Wells]
Authorization to amend Section 23-30 in the Code of Ordinances to accommodate the approved increase for the Battalion Chief's and Assistant Fire Chief's stipends, for a total increase of $401,879.00. Funds are Budgeted in the FY 2025 approved Budget. (L0655-24) (Wells/Armstrong)
Budgetary Implications: Yes
Advance Document Review:
Law: No
Risk Management: No
Fully Budgeted: Yes
Account Number: 1101 505701 5701 63131
1101 505701 5701 63513
This Fiscal Year Impact: $401,879.00
Annual Impact: $401,879.00
Budget Reference:
Current Balance:
WHEREAS, Section 23-30 of the Code of Ordinances of the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government provides that there May be appointed qualified personnel from within the Division of Fire and Emergency Services to perform administrative duties, including to the positions of Assistant Fire Chief and Fire Battalion Chief; and
WHEREAS, Section 23-30(B)(4)(A) of the Code of Ordinances shall be amended to clarify and update the provision relating to a bi-weekly stipend for employees from the Division of Fire and Emergency Services who are appointed to the positions of Fire Battalion Chief and Assistant Fire Chief to allow for a bi-weekly stipend for these positions in an amount approved by the Urban C...
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