Authorization to amend Resolution No. 364-2024 - DNA Labs International (DLI) to correct the fiscal year on this resolution. The fiscal year should be changed from FY24 to FY25. Resolution No. 364-2024 allowed for the approval of the DLI Master Services Agreement with a cost of $150,000, and established DLI as a Sole Source Vendor. (L0072-25)(Weathers/Armstrong)
Authorization to amend Resolution No. 364-2024 - DNA Labs International (DLI) to correct the fiscal year on this resolution. The fiscal year should be changed from FY24 to FY25. Resolution No. 364-2024 allowed for the approval of the DLI Master Services Agreement with a cost of $150,000, and established DLI as a Sole Source Vendor. (L0072-25)(Weathers/Armstrong)
Budgetary Implications: Yes
Advance Document Review:
Law: Yes, Michael Sanner, January 15, 2025
Risk Management: No
Fully Budgeted: N/A
Account Number: 1101-505506-5561-71299
Year Impact: $ 150,000
Annual Impact:
Budget Reference:
Current Balance:
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