An Ordinance amending the Unclassified Civil Service authorized strength as follows: abolishing one (1) unclassified position of Citizen’s Advocate P/T, Grade 518E, and creating one (1) unclassified position of Citizen’s Advocate, Grade 518E, and transferring the incumbent from the part-time to the full time position within the Office of Citizen’s Advocate; creating one (1) unclassified position of Family Court Services Specialist, Grade 516N, in the Office of Circuit Judges; and abolishing one (1) unclassified position of Administrative Officer, Grade 523E, in the Div. of Grants and Special Programs, all effective upon passage of Council. [Div. of Human Resources, Walters]
Authorization to amend the Unclassified Civil Service authorized strength, abolishing and creating positions as approved in the FY 2023 Budget process, to become effective July 1, 2022. The fiscal impact for FY 2023 (26 pay periods) will be Budget neutral. All funding for the new positions is included in the FY 2023 approved Budget. (L0688-22) (Walters/Hamilton)
Budgetary Implications: Yes
Advance Document Review:
Law: No
Risk Management: No
Fully Budgeted: Yes
Account Number:
This Fiscal Year Impact: $
Annual Impact: $
Budget Reference:
Current Balance:
{COUNCIL CLERK’S OFFICE WILL COMPLETE - Body of Resolution or Ordinance}