Authorization to approve Amendment One to Contract #146-2016 which designates LFUCG as the fiscal agent for Transportation Alternatives Program provided by the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet and identifies Lextran as a project and grant partner. The federal grant supports bike and pedestrian enhancements at Lextran’s Central Transit Center on Vine Street and between Quality Street and Limestone. The amendment increases Lextran’s grant allocation by $95,430.23 and reduces LFUCG’s allocation by $95,430.23. LexTran will provide the additional required 20% local match of $23,857.56. (L0067)(Reynolds/Lanter)
Authorization to approve Amendment One to Contract #146-2016 which designates LFUCG as the fiscal agent for Transportation Alternatives Program provided by the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet and identifies Lextran as a project and grant partner. The federal grant supports bike and pedestrian enhancements at Lextran’s Central Transit Center on Vine Street and between Quality Street and Limestone. The amendment increases Lextran’s grant allocation by $95,430.23 and reduces LFUCG’s allocation by $95,430.23. LexTran will provide the additional required 20% local match of $23,857.56. (L0067)(Reynolds/Lanter)
Budgetary Implications: Yes
Advance Document Review:
Law: Yes, Completed by Evan Thompson, 1/13/2025
Risk Management: N/A
Fully Budgeted: BA in process
Account Number:
This Fiscal Year Impact: $ 95,430.23
Annual Impact: $0
Project: TOWN_LEX_2016
Activity: FED_GRANT
Budget Reference: 2025
Current Balance: BA in process
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