Request Council authorization to authorize Accenture, LFUCG’s natural gas consultant, to solicit competitive bids, using a not-to-exceed price to allow for minor market fluctuations, from eligible suppliers of the Customer CHOICE program and provide a bid recommendation for Council consideration for the Fayette Detention Center due to a sustained decrease in natural gas consumption.
Request Council authorization to authorize Accenture, LFUCG’s natural gas consultant, to solicit competitive bids, using a not-to-exceed price to allow for minor market fluctuations, from eligible suppliers of the Customer CHOICE program and provide a bid recommendation for Council consideration for the Fayette Detention Center due to a sustained decrease in natural gas consumption.
Budgetary Implications [select]: N/A for FY2025
Advance Document Review:
Law: Yes, David Barberie, August 27, 2024
Risk Management: No
Fully Budgeted: Yes
Account Number: Funds are budgeted for natural gas under 1101-505401-5411-72102
This Fiscal Year Impact: N/A
Annual Impact: $
Budget Reference:
Current Balance:
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