1. Recommending the appointments of Mr. Malcom Ferguson, as Code Enforcement Representative, and Ms. Susan Plueger, as Environmental Quality Representative, and the reappointment of Ms. Amy Sohner, as Bluegrass Pride Representative, to the Keep Lexington Beautiful Commission with terms expiring February 1, 2018, February 4, 2020, and February 4, 2020 respectively. Mr. Ferguson will fill the unexpired term of Mr. Thad Scott.
2. Recommending the appointment of Ms. Ann Bakhaus to the Downtown Development Authority Board of Directors, with term to expire February 18, 2020.
3. Recommending the appointment of Mr. Woodford Webb as Entertainment/Hospitality Representative to the Downtown Management District Board of Directors, with term to expire February 18, 2020.
4. Recommending the appointments of Mr. Kenneth Cooke, Mr. Charles Denham, and Mr. Bernie Fields to the Environmental Hearing Board, with terms to expire February 18, 2019.
5. Recommending the correction of the appointment of Mr. John Hackworth, as Historic Preservation Representative (Voting) to the Greenspace Commission, with term to expire August 27, 2019.
6. Recommending the appointment of Mr. James Millard as Farming Representative to the Greenspace Commission, with term to expire July 18, 2019.
7. Recommending the appointment of Mr. P.G. Peeples as At Large Member to the Lexington Convention & Visitors Bureau Board of Directors, filling the unexpired term of Mr. Geoff Reed, with term to expire September 9, 2017.
8. Recommending the appointment of Mr. James Pendergast to the Paris Pike Corridor Commission, with term to expire February 18, 2020.
9. Recommending the appointment of Council Member Jennifer Scutchfield to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, with term to expire February 18, 2020.
10. Recommending the appointment of Mr. Thomas Sweeney as Resident Over 60 Representative to the Senior Services Commission with term to expire February 18, 2020.