File #: 0637-24    Version: 1 Name: Economic Development Grant (Workforce Partners) – Year 1
Type: Resolution Status: Approved
File created: 6/10/2024 In control: Urban County Council
On agenda: 7/2/2024 Final action: 7/2/2024
Enactment date: 7/2/2024 Enactment #: R-353-2024
Title: A Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Purchase of Service Agreement with economic development partner agencies, including the Kable Group/TSJ Staffing, the Child Care Council of Ky., Building Institute of Central Ky., Community Action Council, Stable Recovery, Jubilee Jobs, Lexington Rescue Mission, and IEC of the Bluegrass, for Workforce Services, at a cost not to exceed $400,000 for Year 1 in FY 2025. [Mayor's Office, Atkins]
Attachments: 1. Blue sheet ED _ Workforce_ Partners 2024, 2. 2024 JJ Budget - AMENDED LFUCG WFD Grant, 3. CAC Workforce Agreement .1 . 4883-3424-6340 6_3_24, 4. CAC_LFUCG_WD-CDL-Budget_REVISED, 5. Child Care Council Workforce Agreement .1 . 4865-0225-4020 6_3_24, 6. Homebuilders Workforce Agreement .1 . 4890-2952-0836 06_03_24, 7. IEC of the Bluegrass Final Budget - Year One, 8. IEC of the Bluegrass Workforce Agreement .1 . 4889-5769-2100 6_3_24, 9. Jubilee Jobs Workforce Agreement .1 . 4895-6658-6820 6 _3_24, 10. Kable Academy_TSJ Staffing Workforce Agreement .1 . 4867-3497-1588 6_3_24, 11. Lexington Grant - Project Budget - New_, 12. Lexington Rescue Mission Workforce Agreement .1 . 4883-5889-0692 6_3_24 (002), 13. LFUCG FY2025 Budget 5-24-24 (003), 14. Stable Recovery Proposed LFUCG Grant Budget, 15. Stable Recovery Workforce Agreements .1 . 4880-3166-8932 6_3_24, 16. RES 0637-24 Economic Development Grant (Workforce Partners) – Year 1 4860-7298-9896 v.1.pdf, 17. R- 353-2024, 18. Contract #171-2024, 19. Contract #171-2024 -Community Action Council, 20. Contract #171-2024 - Jubilee Jobs, 21. Contract #171-2024 - Lexington Rescue MIssion, 22. Contract #171-2024 - IEC of the Bluegrass, 23. Contract #171-2024 Child Care Council


A Resolution authorizing the Mayor, on behalf of the Urban County Government, to execute a Purchase of Service Agreement with economic development partner agencies, including the Kable Group/TSJ Staffing, the Child Care Council of Ky., Building Institute of Central Ky., Community Action Council, Stable Recovery, Jubilee Jobs, Lexington Rescue Mission, and IEC of the Bluegrass, for Workforce Services, at a cost not to exceed $400,000 for Year 1 in FY 2025. [Mayor's Office, Atkins]


Authorization to execute Purchase Services Agreements (PSAs) with economic development partner agencies for workforce services. Partner agencies include The Kable Group/TSJ Staffing, The Child Care Council of Kentucky, Building Institute of Central Kentucky, Community Action Council, Stable Recovery, Jubilee Jobs, Lexington Rescue Mission and IEC of the Bluegrass. Funds in the amount of $400,000 for Year 1 are included in the FY 2025 Mayor’s Proposed Budget. (L0637-24) (Atkins)

Budgetary Implications [select]: Yes

Advance Document Review:

Law: { Yes, Completed by [Evan Thompson, 6/10/2024]}

Risk Management:  {Select Yes/No, Completed by [Official, Date]}

Fully Budgeted [select]: Yes

Account Number:                     1144-136102-1362-78103

This Fiscal Year Impact:                     $ 400,000

Annual Impact:                      NA



Budget Reference:

Current Balance: in the proposed Budget



                     Section 1 - That the Mayor, on behalf of the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government, be and hereby is authorized to execute the Purchase of Service Agreement, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, with Economic Development Partner Agencies, including the Kable Group/TSJ Staffing, the Child Care Council of Kentucky, Building Institute of Central Kentucky, Community Action Council, Stable Recovery, Jubilee Jobs, Lexington Rescue Mission and IEC of the Bluegrass, for workforce services.

                     Section 2 - That an amount, not to exceed the sum of $400,000.00 be and hereby is approved for payment to Economic Development Partner Agencies, from account # 1144-136102-78103. 

Section 3 - That this Resolution shall become effective on the date of its passage.

                     PASSED URBAN COUNTY COUNCIL:








0637-24:CWE:4860-7298-9896, v. 1